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Everything posted by troyness

  1. SH*T,better shatch up those Beagle Rays if that,s the case!!
  2. Tober,Agent-GHQ You,re both Aussie,s me to, from Brisbane. !! Yes I know about the various price range from $200+,the highest I,ve seen awhile back was $280.00 (so you know,who cares,rounding up ..whatever ) HLJ.COM was the lowest I,m aware of at $150-60 abouts. That,ll probably never happen again due to being discontinued so the cheapest around (Beagle that is) seems to be $219.00 at over-drive and they haven,t gone down for clearence always the same.Anyone got an idea of Houquet,s release date?
  3. Is this movie going to be released to theatre,s or dvd???
  4. Some people (myself included) can,t stand the sight of a HUGE frickin, hole in the side of Stick,s, Ray,s neck ,for a $200-$300 toy it,s just not good enough!! Some members joke that it,s his throat cancer hole
  5. Thanx Hiriyu for the link,thanx atom for the review.It does look a little tighter in bike mode as atom was rolling the bike across the floor,the the front wheel armor and gun didn,t move at all!!!,on the Stick release it would have flopped all over the place,damn I,m soo tempted now to get one ...must control myself until Houquet,s release( Ray if you,re cheaper then ,you,ll be mine)
  6. Agent-GHQ. I forgot to mention,everything that I,ve mentioned refers to the Stick Beagle..NOT the Ray Beagle.(I don,t own one),but from what I,ve read here at Macrossworld & jenius,s review it seems that the bike atleast ,is a little bit tighter,and that the helmeted head is fixed,PM some of the members here or visit jenius,s site for Stick & Ray,s review,if your not too emotionally attached to Stick ,I say get Ray,s release he,ll have some improvements and you can go from there(the screw hole in the neck is still with the Ray release,but from the prototype pics of Houquet it may be covered with her release)
  7. Agent-GHQ. By the way thanx for your reply to my previous post,about collectionDX.com !! Sorry if I,ve made you nervous about theBeagle,that was not my intent!! The cloth has been a issue with some for 2 main reasons: 1.the look of it(personally I like the look of the cloth) 2.it comes apart at the seams.(which is my problem,and a few others on this thread ,and other sites I,ve visited) Stick,s front wheel armor /forearm armor is very loose in both modes. The windscreen attaches to the bike ,is also very loose. The HBT(feul) tank attaches to the seat ,is also weak/unstable-comes off easly. The targeting scope is very loose,infact it falls out ,I don,t even bother taking it out and attaching it anymore,for me too much hassle. The ankle armor (MB tampoed) is very loose,I find it hard to get it to hold it,s position extended out (but is possible). The loose helmeted head.(but jenious,s excellent idea of putting some tape on the ball joint has fixed that) These are the main problems,but transforming it correctly(and there are a few instinctual things in the transformation that isn,t in the manual)and you shouldn,t have any problems!! I was trying to say in my post that I,ve transformed this thing excessively,easly over 200-300 times ,and for that, it,s held up pretty well. Sorry I don,t have a camera ,as you can tell by my avatar ,but most of what I,ve mentioned is in jenious,s review.
  8. Acid milk projecting from tits,there,s got to be an award for that!! Japan I LOVE YOU,good to see your still not conforming to this political correctness that the rest of the world is bowing to. 10 out of 10!!
  9. +3 on that Mospeada book!!! I must say I,ve had my Stick Beagle for 6mths now and I,ve transformed it 2-3 times a day(give or take a wk here and there)just to test it,s durability,yeah I know I,m "that guy" ,and besides a few things it,s holding up pretty well!! To my surprise it,s the figure that,s still tight(the seam in the cloth in the crotch has a ever widening gap,but that was happening right from the start.plus a little bit around the figure,s shoulder pad,aswell as the cloth looking a little flaky all over) The figure,s right hand index finger has come off(the hand used to hold Stick,s gun,the "big" gun that also attaches to his bike)it,s not broken,but has "popped off",just a little glue and as good as new! The attachment that connects to the the underneath of the bike that enables it to lean to either side is quite loose now ,I am leaning the bike to it,s side now just before you hear the first "click",it can still hold it,s pose with the friction,but after the first click the weight of the bike carries it past the second click and it falls over. Stick,s bike has it,s loose area,s (that have already been disscussed),but the hip armor/back wheel guards(you know the things with the stripes on them) are very loose and can hear them rattling around when you,re holding the bike etc.. Other than that it,s holding quite well,i,m going to keep transforming it everyday(not just to test it,s durability,but because it,s so much fun),and see what happens in a yr,I predict around that time I,ll probably leave it in bike mode then,as it will most likely be very loose by then,and I,ll take it out on Ray and /or Houquet at that time!!
  10. (maybe I,m doing something wrong,but..)I can,t seem to find any Beagles at hlj.com it keeps coming back as "sorry page not found",just curious as their price on stick & Ray.Weird??
  11. Wasn,t Jenius saying that the Houquet Beagle was going to be delayed ,for some reason a few pages back?(I could be wrong!!)
  12. Ilike it!!!
  13. If storage room isn,t too much of an issue then I say keep ,em. They have more detail than the 1/60 v.2 (if yamato doesn,t revisit the 1/48,s after the 1/60 v.2 line ,their collectability should be fairly good) As far as poseability goes, their not really any better than the 1/48,s...sure they have the improved elbow joints etc..but there,s not many new options for posing even with this improvement-just a little more range of motion ,and the legs are exactly the same as the 1/48,s articulation!!!!
  14. Do you mean the review for Stick or for Ray from collection DX?? Is there a review of Ray from collectionDX? I can,t see one at their site. Is it on youtube?
  15. Ever since I heard of this ,back in 2005, I was hoping for a Vader inspired series ,where he hunts down the remaining Jedi,something I hoped would,ve been in the ROTS -but never happened,instead that penis helmet gets slaped on,some iconic breathing and a corny falling to his knees screaming Noooooooo -to the news that Vader had mistakenly killed his squeeze. If this series gets off the ground ,I hope that a good portion of the series details this with great character/dialoge scenes,which is very possible if Lucas stays away from screenplay writing and does what he does best-focusing on the story arc and taking a step back letting talented writers do their thing,
  16. The last 3 pages had some hot n, spicy stuff all all the way.!! nice work fella,s!!
  17. Beautiful M&M,s !!!! with clown hands fantasticness !!
  18. The QC issues are the same ,as it,s the same everything except the head sculpt, and packaging. Glad to see the neck joint is fixed on the Ray Beagle and that it,s generally a tighter bike!! Can,t wait for Fuke/Houquet ,maybe the screw hole will be covered(going by the proto pics),either way I,m definately going to pic her up,and if Ray,s a bit cheaper-2 birds with the 1 stone.Fuke may come with alot of stickers ,hopefully there,ll be some tampo ( I,m hoping for 06 tampoed on her bike ).
  19. looks good, wish there was some TV style hands . Maybe if Yamato did VF-1J with TV hands I,d jump in!!!
  20. Save, sorry if I,ve rubbed you the wrong way.(I guess the smilie faces didn,t help!) you,re post was about head scuplt & people waiting to buy at a cheaper price,right? The yamato,s 1/60 has a list of complaints-but it hasn,t died from people waiting for a sale. I know nothing of 1/100 Bandai valks-I believe you. I didn,t know that a fan and yourself asked to supply a list-thank you very much,if you supply a list next time I guess that means there,s no way of knowing if Beagle will read it or apply it. Rei was already in the develpoment stage when the list was being gathered,so hoping that this may apply to Houquet??(one can dream) Yes we are all human and will look for a cheaper price,if you haven,t already bought Ray then you may find yourself sale hunting prior to Houquet,s release,you are probably right Ray will sell low units. I agree with you on the head sculpts. Please don,t stop helping both sides ,it seems your really good at this. my opinion is worth less than 2cents in any post/forum like everyone else,s. I,m gonna add a couple of more smilie faces just in case ^_^
  21. If the Beagle Mospeada line dies with Ray or Houquet that would that would be a shame. If you want to blame something ,blame the global economy, not collectors who "complain" too much. Alot of collectors are looking foreward to the Houquet release,sales should go up for that one. If 3 bikes is all we get ,I,ll take that as opposed to nothing,but will not l will not blame myself(nor should any Mospeada collector)for being passionate towards a comlpaints list that Beagle asked for,or for being indifferent towards Ray,s release or for waiting for him to go on sale..hell if anything if Ray was to go on sale just before Houquets release Beagle would make some money from me!!!
  22. You,re right Save I do expect alot from a $200 toy. $100 -not as much. $50-next to nothing. I think if you were to ask most collectors if they would luv to buy a toy for $50-$60 dollars cheaper of their favourite anime etc,they,d do it in a heartbeat,if they had the money!!! Ragardless whether Beagle was working out of an apartment as of last yr ,Beagle asked for a list ,minor improvements were given,of course I,m going to wait for it to be on sale,I wouldn,t be human if I didn,t.
  23. Thanx again Tober & Exo!!! For some weird reason I had this idea that Ray had a 31 marking on his left shoulder armor(must be going crazy!!) I can see why Beagle went with no markings,it looks like alot of the lineart etc supports this. I,ll wait for the rest of Jenius,s review,and hopefully others,it seems like Beagle has made some improvements,but they are just too sutle,minor,and too slow on applying the complaints list with their second release. i hope to see this item at the $150 mark just before Houquet,s release.
  24. Thanx Tober!!! Would anyone have some line art of Ray ,s boot,(ankle guard-MB?) wildcats have abit more review up now!!
  25. Could somebody put up some lineart of Ley,so to get an idea of his markings on bike and body armor
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