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Everything posted by troyness

  1. Is a YF-21 prototype No.1 gonna happen??(brown and yellow paint scheme,sleeker cockpit-never animated.Ref-macross mecha mannual-M+)
  2. I keep checking this thread for a Tezuka -blackjack Revy....s#*t.
  3. employ Skeet Ulrich,he could use the work....poor bugger!
  4. luv the camera angle,s and the use of stands!!!nice job!!
  5. Damn!! Macross the first #01. is discontinued at hlj.com!!! Hope I still get my #02. on backorder with them!!
  6. troyness

    1/48 VF-1J Max

    That is a good price ,toy-wave.com has 1/48 Max vf-1j for $93.00. (but sometimes their abit slow with updating the website,so email them and ask if it,s current stock listing and still available)
  7. troyness


    Gundam fan!!That explains everything! I guess if she was hot(or easy)I would,ve paid for dinner!...but I guess thats how things roll sometimes
  8. Still waiting on my macross the first #02 from hlj.com,...oh well atleast it,s selling really well,makes me daydream about an SDFM tv/movie remake!!
  9. yeah" venus wars" voice work/acting feels dated,but it,s a beautiful all hand drawn work of art!!Great colouring 80.s/90,s old skool! The ending has that animation over live footage that just doesn,t work!!!(evolving into ending credits} Just rewatched -"grey digital target". Altough I love the manga,the anime chops the story up with a blunt knife!!!I wish someone would have the insight to redo grey ,or atleast do a 1/6 action figure. "Justy cosmo police" was another I watched for the first time,and it was OK ,but the manga wins out again.
  10. troyness


    My VF-11C was dusty ,so I dusted it off,and talked to it jokingly-"who,s a pretty Valk..it,s you..YES you are" and kissed it on the nose. I turned around and my wide eyed mother backed away slowly. 2 days later I was set up on a blind date..I think the two are connected!! Not turned on in anyway by the look of my date.about 10mins into the pre-drinks before dinner I mention that I clean my toys,talk to them and kiss them. 1/2 hr later we wrap thing up paying dutch!!
  11. would it be right to assume that since there,s a gwen,there,s a green goblin?
  12. great!! thanx talos!!! As i don,t collect Macross Ace.And only collect Macross the first,I,ve got #01,and am waiting for Macross the first #02 as backordered from hlj.com. Would anyone be so kind as to scan any type of panel from the manga itself of your fav VF-1J shot!!!
  13. Does anyone know the villains yet? Eitherway one thing I,m really sick of is seeing spider-man swing on his damn web thru the city with his legs wrapped around his ears!!! I know it,s an iconic image and hollywood will hit us over the head with it as many times as they can.BUT just for once I,d like him to act more like a spider!!! Like seeing him hide in a dark corner on the side of the wall in a crouch position,and fleeing his enemies by crawling incredibly fast along a wall stopping and starting like a spider would,turning back on himself changing directions etc..And in a moment of extreme panic positioning himself further on his fingertips/toes and crawl even faster in that"hydrolic" flight or fight responce the spider gets when it knows it,s number is up!which it,ll most likely do jumping/leaping into the air trying to cover more ground in a last ditch effort. As a man spider-man would be the best long jumper in history. It,s like they decided in the first 3 films"lets get him swinging on that web,play out the fight scenes....and um..I know lets get him swinging on that web!!...yeah that,ll work,cut print!!" "OK same time tomorrow guys-we,ll start out with action scene No.blah blah blah....with spider-man swinging on that web!" I,d love to see spider-man against the lizard, with connors moving back to the everglads,and get spider-man out of his element and out of the damn city!!
  14. Thanx robodragon i tried to get as close to the lineart as the toy would let me.
  15. Anyone get a good look at the VF-1J head from macross the first #02?
  16. luv these flightpose stands( I don,t own flexi,s to compare)grips well,hasn,t taken a dive..luv it! Don,t take the Beagle too seriously,won,t have time to finish it this yr.
  17. that pricing is soooo cheap considering all the work that would,ve gone into them!!! ( I,m guessing I dunno...ALOT!!!) You ARE a hero EXO...are you wearing a costume when you make these?? Anyway THANK-YOU VERY MUCH is an understatement!!
  18. Thanx lyooooo1 and Gubaba really greatful for the info!!! You guys both earn points that go in my little white angelic book!!
  19. looks amazing EXO!!! Do you have an idea of the price,would love to get 2 sets of saddle bags & and gun!!
  20. Does anyone have an idea when we might see the cover to Macross the first #02?
  21. I,m from Australia Brisbane,and the Dendy theatre is having it,s "2010 reel anime" event!!I,m about to watch both 1.0 + 2.0 on the big screen!! How lucky am I!!!
  22. Will do !! Flight pose stands are on the way, gotta get some regults now.
  23. Thanx Acroray I,ll definately check that out when they arrive.
  24. just ordered a set, anyone got any idea,s about giving the tips more grip? I guess abit of blue tack would help the base,looking forward to them ,would be my first set. Thanx.
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