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Everything posted by troyness

  1. Every wkend on cartoon network ,there,s been a "lightsaber wkend" 4 eps in total of season1 &2.(in Australia) I just got on board with season 2. and really enjoyed it!!! New eps of season 3 have been showing once a wk aswell. Gonna go back and see season 1 on DVD, catch up on the remaining season 3 on cartoon network...can,t wait for season 4. For me this series has been better than any live action prequal!! Once the clone wars series is finished, do you guys think Lucas will do another animated series of Darth Vader after ROTS ,hunting down/killing the remaining jedi??? (sorry if this question has been asked before)
  2. Awesome!!!Thanx bluemax151.Your a good man
  3. Saw it 2nite, it was good, fx was OK, I wasn,t blown away by it, I think I,m abit de-censortised to super hero movies from the last few yrs....but still good!
  4. I just watched the 1990 version of cap on cable.....bad!!! Not soo bad that it was good....but in the middle,which makes it......bad!!!
  5. Anyone got any pics of Medicom-Captain Harlock they,d like to share or a review on it? Or punisher?
  6. I hear ya on the boots!! I cut mine at the back(down past below the knee) to get some posability with the legs.
  7. I surrender :D Luv your takara/junes!! Is the body better than the Medicoms? My medicom mark and jason ,s cloth is coming apart, plus the helmets plastic is getting very sticky!!!!! :ph34r: I was gonna sell them ,lucky I opened them and inspected both ,because they don,t age well in the box(plastic wasn,t sticky 3yrs ago ...but now very sticky)
  8. :lol: both, but there,s also responsible planking involved.
  9. Yeah too small!! , we need big puffy white gloves, to add a edgy screen presence.
  10. I saw, I,d give her my Australian passport!!
  11. I,d love to play blues on that!!
  12. Has anyone heard of a"if or when" release date for the Hasbro FX removable blade lightsaber: Luke Skywalker ANH? I,ve searched everywhere, thought I,d try here. Thanx
  13. It looks like he,s promoting safe sex with that ribbed condom suit, those shoes look to me like stunt shoes + the official promo shots we,ve seen have all had the feet shaded or hidden within the action pose.
  14. I hate wire work in martial arts movies, but I like the fact that so far alot of pics shown have a stunt man with wires, hopefully adding abit of realism to an action scene..as far as superhero movies go.
  15. Solscud007...you did it!!! In the right hands it DOES look good!! I luv it when a great toy/custom accessories/photographer come together. Excellent pose & camera angle Any other awesome poses you,ve got ..bring it!! I can,t wait until other members recieve EXO.s saddle bags/stinger..please post pics :D I want this thread to become a" Beagle centre fold mecha porn ground zero". I,d luv to get both EXO.s & Jasonc,s offerings..but no money Yamato read this thread & get inspired,give us a Beagle Fuke bike..small production run,pre-order sales only...it could work
  16. Thanx Solscud007 for the rocket launcher/saddle bag shot...I feel now that I,ve truly lived!! (even though it mightn,t look that great..)could someone give the saddle bag/rocket launcher in amor mode a go??? I,m sure in the right pose and camera angle it could look sexy..or you could prove me wrong,and I,d humbly agree. ...just curious is all.
  17. whitestar and derex3592 those photo,s are soooo sexy!!!Don,t be camera shy...please sir I want some more!!!!!!!!!!! HOT HOT work EXO!!!! I wonder what it would look like to have the saddle bags on while in armor mode?(Hint thats someone,s que) I,m officially EXCITED!!! thanx guys.
  18. jenius, do you know whatever happened to the beagle Fuke mold? *where did it end up? *who now owns it?..etc.
  19. Fighter looks great! + missiles open. Not keen on flipped backpack. luv armored backpack + missiles open!!
  20. LUV those 2 VF-1S GBP battroid poses pipedream!!!!!!!!!
  21. I,m a virgin to that pose too, very unique, I like it much!!! Thanx Shaorin
  22. Has anyone ordered from toyglobe.com? any experiences good or bad? Just ordered from bigbadtoystore.com...damn their shipping is a killer,it cost as much as the figure to send out!!
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