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Everything posted by troyness

  1. Doesn,t come out in mainland China until August. Hopefully see it in France with my daughter on holidays nxt wk! beyondhollywood.com has some great B-rolls,and was really surprised,greatfull to see soo much stunt work. Stuntman swinging back n forth along the bridge scene over traffic, side flippin over moterbikes,rollin over top of cars,running up the side of a truck,climbing up a truck,bustin out of a city sewer,jumpin over a hood of a car into a leg/neck hold,swingin from a wire attached to a streetlight off a buliding 360 back onto the building.The stuntman really got spider-man,s moves down!! Check it out it,s worth a look!
  2. It,s confussing to, with their updated site, when I finally got to 1/60 macross it had like 2-3 figs available that where discontinued? Maybe I,m doing something wrong.
  3. Is this a 30th anniversary release with option parts OR just released on Mac,s 30th anniversary?
  4. Damn, the Hik VF-1J are selling out in alot of places, I can,t afford to buy one for a couple of mths ,I guess I,ll surrender to the evilbay darkside by then. Do ya think that they,ll be reissued , perhaps with FPs? I,m still waiting for a Hik VF-1J in grey!! I,m prepared to take another risk with a 1/60 purchase, as I had mold issues with my VF-1D.
  5. That,s all I ask, a little bit of realisim
  6. I liked it!! I,m just sooo thankfull that CGI,FX,things blowing up, wasn,t shoved down my throat,or up my ass. I liked the story building for 90mins before it,s climax,and hopeful sequal. Not enough violence at the end(considering that when ape,s&chimps fight amongst themselves they bite each others fingers off,and rip genitals off) I was wondering how they were gonna handle that in an M rating once they confront humans,but I liked how ceaser handled that,but would have prefered a bit of ape on human body destruction..but maybe later. All in all I,m glad it wasn,t a mind dumbing FX, in your face, headache inducing BS superhero/transformers approach
  7. I,ve been waiting for ever for a TV VF-1J in grey.
  8. I want Batman,s back broken!!!! Take this franchise out with a snap. It,ll be a great cliff hanger,and force the next group of writers to bring their A game.
  9. Nice backdrop with your pic. !! I,ve done that wheelie pose with flightpose stands, it took 2 different sets with various length rods to do it, I also did a mid transformation wheelie pose( I think it,s page 4 to give you an idea) As far as the seat not "snapping" in (do you mean armor mode?..if so) that area,s a little tight on both my stick & ley versions, just gently wiggle it with downward pressure and it,ll slide towards the fuel tank.
  10. I bet that,s a slogen underneath a huge painted self portrait of Lucas in bed with Howard the duck at the entrance of skywalker ranch. I bet his employee,s uniform is a checkered long sleave shirt rolled up at the forearms, tucked in to blue jeans with a belt. I bet that when you get a promotion at skywalker ranch, Lucas would knight you with a fx lightsaber. .....don,t cross him tho, he,ll probably throw a lightsaber hilt thru your window wrapped in the threatening message. you,d get frightening calls in the middle of the night, with nothing but Darth Vader breathing fx and then ...click. I bet when George turns off a light switch at the wall,he,d scream out:"Lightside off, darkside on"..even if he had handclappers!!
  11. Nicely sumed up!! Lucas is a great BIG picture man. It,s famously known that alot of actors had a very hard time trying to deliver his dialoge. Alot of work gets done for him in his creative department as he oversees the the overall story arc..just wish he,d have better instincts to stay away from scripts/screenplays. I guess Lucas must be surrounded by yes men, when tough love gets handed out like:"don,t write buddy ,there are movie lovers here!!" ,they must either get fired,relocated OR lucas shruggs and says:"I,m george lucas".
  12. I guess that,s when you gotta start weathering 'em, hoping the diecast is in the right areas . Sorry if this question has been asked before,I haven,t bought v.1..what type of plastic/s involved?
  13. Is her death confirmed , or maybe she goes missing in action? Love to get her lightsaber, a awesome cross between Anikin/Luke(ANH, ESB)and ROTJ.
  14. Don,t ball joints get loose more so than ratchet joints? What would a solution be?
  15. Looks pretty good, I guess the head lasers don,t extend to a V? But other than that very cool!!
  16. Ooooo I thought she was 22-23 in season 3..whoops Is Ahsoka in the SW mini series? does she die before ROTS?
  17. Just finished watching season 3,loved it! Ahsoka is looking HOT all grown up and with her new Jedi outfit!! I,ve always wanted to be intimate with an alien,closest thing would be to date a girl in Ahsoka cosplay
  18. Yes I did ,spelling isn,t my strength, thanx Amy was working on a few songs as far as I know,not sure there,s an entire albums worth. Perhaps alot of demos and out takes?
  19. RIP Amy. Very talented ,loved both your albums. I,m sure their working on a post humerous album now, lets hope she had a few good songs left in her.
  20. Thanx UN Spacy!!! Hell of alot of vid coverage there!!! My fav batmobile(hope there,s a reissue of Micheal Keaton first batman movie figure,also my fav batsuit)
  21. cool Iron-man,liking the look of the Captain America aswell. Non-battle weathered luke doesn,t resemble Mark in anyway, but good effort with accesseries
  22. Nice!!!!! Haven,t we got 2 more seasons?(season:4+5) Doesn,t that make 100eps?
  23. Nice danth!!! Where,d you get it,ebay or online store? Once you get the hang of the transformation , don,t forget to post some more pics!!
  24. Cool thanx Gunpod71 No closed fist tho, that,s a bummer
  25. Hey Gunpod71, does the Roy low vis come with fixed posed hands?(closed fist+trigger finger+salute?)
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