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Everything posted by troyness

  1. I'm more excited now about the stealth VF-4G, I hope they tampo the skull tailfins, hope the black is not so glossy. I live in mainland china , I hope the chinese postal system doesn't screw me like they did with 3 previous lost packages.
  2. which reseller are you with from HK? Mine is coming from hkcollectables.com, but haven't received payment request yet as I guess it'll take a few days to get to HK from Japan. The Chinese postal system is slow and sometimes unreliable. I guess those leg tailfins must have a big ROM to be able to pull off a kneeling pose , from the toysdaily pics...cool!! I just hope all those hinged wings are nice and tight.
  3. another 72hrs or so , and we'll prob get reviews, and weathered/panel lined VF-4G's bumping this thread up to 100 pages, I love the fact that I'm breathing in & out right now!!!
  4. Hell yeah, that's what I've been waiting to hear..payment request from different retailers. This is happening, it's real..lol
  5. Aren,t those the articulating hands in the box, I guess the fixed posed are in the forearms Yamato, always good at wasting space in a box, when it comes to box they don,t listen.
  6. Thanx for that neoexcaliber , very interesting!!...Charge me up..can't wait!! Hey Tochiro , I'm not a display case kinda guy, I love complicated transformations, that's the joy I get out of collecting these. How much enjoyment did you get out of transforming the VF-4G compared to other 1/60's you handled?
  7. haha..we're all right there with ya! the 3 day window 25th-27th yamato's sending it out, I keep checking my hotmail account 5 times a day to see if I have a payment request. Hopefully soon we'll see members posting about their payment requests from different resellers other than NY!!!
  8. Sexy!!!! Do we have an extra set of hands/fixed posed?
  9. Thank-you Save & Tochiro for doing that for us very cool indeed!!! an articulating thumb and index finger. Looks like the leg tailfins touch the ground when the wheels are down, that,s a shame, but other than that everything seems to be in order.
  10. I guess he doesn't need neck armor...protecting the neck is soo over-rated , who needs it!!!
  11. Just a VF-4G, that will be enough to feed my addiction....for now
  12. I keep hoping that yamato is thinking the same thing.
  13. Those side covers really make that VF look like a completely different toy...seriously cool stuff!!!!
  14. Yeah your right..gonig back far enough I see a pattern forming, I guess it's pretty obvious when you think about it. It's Will & Tom facing off at the box office( good friends in real life)...I'll take any scifi I can get, prefer Will over Tom but I'll give Tom a shot.
  15. I thought Ironman 3 would be Tony Stark sitting pretty facing off with the "bad guy of the week" tired plot fomula But I like the whole losing everything and fighting back with nothing to regain it all/using his witts type vibe..interesting
  16. Thanx jenius & MilkManX. I guess we'll read all about it from the wonderfest. When is the wonderfest BTW?
  17. Awesome!! Thank-you Tochiro, looking forward to it! I probably started that a few pages back....sorry my bad.
  18. Thanx Benson13, that was really cool of you to take the time and do that for me. 90's articulation for sure. (single knee,ankle,elbow joints) I was always hoping for a v2 of clone saga spider-man..but I guess he just wasn't that popular. Great collection you've got there , worth keeping.
  19. Damn!!!! Do you guys think that if it was a ride armor and it sold out, that it might encourage a company to produce a run(even if it was a small pre-order run) OR would ultimately no-one care how a wonderfest exclusive sells? BTW I love the VR-052F up for auction looks nice & chunky .
  20. I hope the unknown company wasn't scared off by the ride armor saturation back in 2009, and percieve the Beagle too risky. BUT the wonderfest exclusive has got me hoping that it is a Beagle. (but I'm probably dead wrong) If it is a Beagle I hope it sells out instantly and encourages a company to give it another shot. If it's anything else other than a Beagle (or an improved version from the mold) I won't care if I miss out.
  21. I wonder why that is, you'd think that having 2 movies with the same premise would kill each movies's chance of standing out/making a profit?
  22. Hey Benson13. The spider-man clone saga costume has blue & red fingers(I guess" The Amazing Spider-man"movie copied from that) The spider insignia legs on his chest are elongated and expand all the way down to his waist. He has big chunky silver web cartridge wrist bands. He's in the first 2 pics you have of loose figures & at the top (first pic) & top left(2nd pic) he's between 2 cyclops & a Weapon -X wolverine.( I can't enable my emoticons for some reason, but I assure you there'd be lots of smiley faces. Thanx.)
  23. Hey Thanx Tochiro for clearing all that up. Also a thank-you to skullmilitia & Dimis for your replies. Sorry for any stupid questions...I got abit excited didn't lol. I just haven;t ordered a yamato product for nearly 3 yrs , was abit out of touch with all the shipping protocol. I can't wait for this, this is gonna be the best xmas/new yr evea!!! Hey Tochiro , any idea when the transformation pics are coming? Thanx, peace.
  24. Well that was the confussion with me , the 25th -is that yamato's plan to have them shipped from online retailers or yamato's release date to customers/online retailers.I didn't think my question was naive, the 27th is Thursday everywhere in the world. I can't tell if your being an a-hole or not so I'll just say thanx...I think?
  25. From the impression I got from Tochiro's post..it's yamato that is shipping on the 25th( yamato's online store???) That mightn't mean that online stores like hlj.com etc.. are shipping on the 25th. I don't think alot of online stores are even aware yet of the 25th release/shipping date...hkcollectables.com hasn't recieved any notice yet. Has anyone emailed with their respective online retailers and confirmed a Dec 25th shipping date?
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