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Everything posted by troyness

  1. After seeing the sticker sheet for the Hasegawa 1/72 kit, I was hoping for a more naked valk,
  2. Looks like all the blue/red/yellow/white trim is tampo and kite logo/tux , that's a shame.
  3. Oooh... somebody at Arcadia has gotten better at posing a VF-1. option parts w/white side covers count me in!! Arcadia sticker sheet?
  4. Thanks for the thread.!! (Couldn't believe there wasn't a general Tezuka thread earlier!) I enjoyed Tezuka's better known creations as a child, but it was Blackjack that got my attention as a young adult reader. The style of Tezuka's BJ manga jumping out at me through slightly yellowed pages blew my hair back. Viz manga translated a few stories in the 90's and recently ,Vertical translated all 17 volumes(or at least that was their goal, can't remember) along with various other more adult themed Tezuka manga. Blackjack21 anime series was good as it had one continued story arc(as opposed to Tezuka's episodic BJ manga), but I didn't like the "anime inspired"hat BJ wore thru-out the series as it wasn't cannon and made him look tooVampire hunter D/Hellsing gothic. ZC World released Blackjack 1/6 figure, as I remember correctly another MW member Lupin The Third recently purchased.
  5. Yeah a naked pic, I wanna see him without his tux on.
  6. Good to see side covers!!
  7. Hell yeah , thanx kyekye!! The 3oth logo includes the kite? If the kite is gone, that'll get rid of that Tux-like look lol... That red stripe does look slick, it's like the MacrossTheFirst head I've always wanted!!! For real, this comes with option parts?
  8. I pointed somebody towards Harlock, but I honestly can't remember who lol.. But contrats on your find!!! Let us know your prediction of the durability of that thin body.
  9. I hope the Battroid's chest is decals, more black in that area would look better! But I LOVE the head!!!..( Battroid's head that is..)
  10. Nice!!!!!! Another member(can't remember) bought Harlock aswell, I've always intended to buy it. If you ever feel the need to take snaps with no cape release that burden here..I'll lurk...
  11. Nice!!!! I think the costume looks great in those pics. There's also a few pics of Paul Giamatti as street thug"cough".
  12. 1J being my fav design, if option parts are included I'm sold!!!
  13. Yes they did remove the post credit scene, I was waiting for it, that's a big reason why I want to see the original version.
  14. I agree with the witt and one-liners, there seemed to be more of it in the 3rd film compared to the other 2. I liked Tony's hero journey and thought RDJ & BK performances were excellent!!! I felt that I was watching Ironman 2 at the end with all the amors, very similar.But overall good movie. But unfortunately I watched the chinese version (living in China) The movie was atleast 2-3 mins longer , and the chinese scenes were NOT subtle. Ironman 3 , is not based in China, nor has any references to China But randomly and suddenly there are 3 extra scenes. Half way thru an office scene(in HK I guess) Chinese actors "shooting the breeze", while in the background TV is on with Ironman talking with a group of chinese school kids(just like you'd see on the back of a cereal box)..I joked with my friends WTH would IM be saying to these kids in true Stark style "hey kids, don't do sleep and get 8hrs of drugs" or "just say no to copyright". At the end we learn that these random chinese actors are actually docters in the second long drawn out scene, with them post op washing their hands talking about the potential success/failure of the operation. The 3rd scene was again in the office disscussing the operation...a shameless plug of who's who of China movie stars, it felt like I was watching 2 different movies very jarring. Now I wanna see the Hollywood version.
  15. Thanx valhary & azrael for posting pics!!! Luv the pics of Fox with a comb-over..come and get it ladies
  16. Damn, I live in China, going to see it today, I know there,s a scene where ironman lands surrounded by a bunch of chinese school kids...I hope that,s about the extent of it!!!
  17. Feathered style capes is a major part of Gatchaman's iconic image, with the centre of the cape ending around the lower back and the winged portions finishing at the knee( in general, each character's cape varied) Gatchaman's cape at rest (not gliding/windy environment) were more static, like a birds wing at rest. Lineart and each episode was inconsistant with this...BUT this ain't no Batman with ankle length cloth cape!!! I hope the new anime pays homage to this , because the above image is f*#%ed!!
  18. Good to see that they're going to the trouble of hanging a stuntman on a wire down the side of a building, rather than just CGI in post production. Watching the B-rolls of the ASM I was impressed with the amount of stunt work that went into it, which made it look more realistic IMO.
  19. Cockpit landing gear wheel looks pretty small compared to the 2 rear wheels. Would like to see an underbelly shot in fighter mode to have an idea of the head size in reference to the rest of the plane. I hope there will be final tweaks to the mold before it's released.
  20. Yeah the costume looks great!!! I've read that there might be atleast 2 costume changes within the movie. (the original from the first ASM and this more classic version) And Paul Giamatti as the Rino= cool.
  21. Thanx valhary & kanedaestes. Nice to see bigger eyes, and the webbing on the mask looks better. (the other one looked like squares) Suit looks closer to Raimi's. I'm a fan of old skool spider-man eyes( thicker black border around the white,but eitherway it's an improvement) Who the hell knows if it'll be a good story, but I know I'll get great action scenes. Looking forward to it!!
  22. Nah, he would have just gotten in the way, most likely no shooting experience, prob would have stood around all wide eyed during a shoot out.Rick and gang had a job to do,packpacker would have slowed them down. Maybe under different circumstances they would have stopped to give him a ride, just bad timing. But they got a free packpack out of it.
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