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Everything posted by troyness

  1. Yamato/Arcadia are good toy engineers , they listen (for the most part..I'm talking to you..you BIG f*#kin' box)) to the fans. Since the 1/48 we've gotten options parts/stand and mold improvements.......It's obvious that Arcadia care/ are fans of Macross. .........But it can all come undone at the rented Chinese factory, with minimum wage earners. *put together TOO tight= stresses joints/plastic ..things break. *Factory marks, glue stains *parts applied backwards. *wrong/missing/flaking paint apps. ......Arcadia try their best to reduce these QC issues..but they will be in every release...unless Arcadia stop manufacturing in China, which won't happen, unless they source it to India, which would be a step down in QC. ...So the few times I've received a train wreck I scream to the heavens..."F*#k you Chinese factory"...rather than "F*#k you Arcadia".
  2. Hell yeah!!! Dig the fig with binoculars!!
  3. LOL.. Yeah I've had my trigger finger hovering over that option for awhile now!!! But option parts + stand and new Arcadia "White" are making me hold off.
  4. DYRL VF-1A Mass prod....OR an Angel Bird. PLEASE.
  5. That's 3 VF-1's in a few wks!!! That's a high turn over ...come on February tell me what VF-1 we've got for 2014.
  6. LOL.. thanx skullmilitia. I haven't owned a yammie OR Arcadia yet with option parts, but I've heard that the side covers can come off easy. BTW. typev3 transcendent snaps,moreyesplease!!!
  7. Thanx for posting pics skullmilitia!!! What are the attached side covers like, tight?
  8. I guess we know the meaning of "multiple" movies now... With both X-men franchise under Fox, and DC/Warner MOS expanding,Sony want to do the same with AMS. Recent Sony quotes.. "We are going to access Marvels full world of Spider-man characters,so be on the lookout for new heroes and villains." 'We do very much have the ambition about creating a bigger universe around Spider-man. There are a number of scripts in the works" "Working closely with Marvel" .....Spider-girl movie?
  9. Thanks fellas February it is!! No DYRL Max?? .....Eitherway looking forward to incoming MW glamour shots!!
  10. Anyone have an idea what VF-1 is next after Hik? Max DYRL VF-1S?
  11. ........which means that we'll have maybe 2 villains in AMS3...but the producers have implied that AMS was set up for 'multiple" movies........which gives me the feeling that we're gonna get MORE than 3 AMS movies. If this is the case perhaps AMS3 will be a 2 part movie and Gwen dies perhaps in AMS4..who knows. But by the time Sony is finished with AMS the general public will be like "Avengers who??...cares" ...that boat has sailed..so much so that Andrew Garfield isn't allowed to talk about an Avengers and AMS team up.
  12. Shailene Woodley's MJ character had been cut from the movie..her film schedule is too busy to be in AMS2 OR AMS3. Dane DeHaan's Harry Osborne character's friendship/hate with Peter is established. Paul's Rhino has a small part in AMS2.
  13. At the comic con panel Marc Webb was asked whether we'll be getting another spider-man 3 with 3 villains = too much etc.. Marc assured that Electro IS the main villain, the Rhino + Gob will have introductory OR origin roles that will play out more in AMS3. Paul Giamatti has said that he'll return in AMS3. Perhaps it will be a "to be continued" battle for AMS3. Marc is VERY aware of the spider-man 3 / 3 villain failure........but it does look like a spider-man/Zoids crossover.
  14. I just wanna low vis VF-1J. Or light grey .
  15. Wow!!!! That looks amazing!!!!! Thanks again for your service EXO!! Mospeada never left!!!!
  16. I loved seeing Carol's stab and shoot classes giving the kids survival skills as well!!! @ Daryl .. I luv ya mate!!! Your the reason I watch the show...but your not bullet proof,even with a zombie vest. Michonne knows the way to Gov's heart, and his squeeze knows how to get inside his head..nice to see!!
  17. Yeah, more side stories. Like Carol coming out of nowhere killing the Gov's people with the tag -line "somebodies got to do it." Spread that prison flu around, and that other group over the radio's survival story.
  18. Wow this thread has awesome everything!!!!!
  19. Michonne's gonna get you in the other eye Gov..fatally.....seriously f#*k you Gov. .....then mid season break PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.
  20. I feel everyone's pain!!!! ...so all that Gov character development with the crazy stare ,werewolf fashion, sidestepping, and oxygen tank fetching comes down to a short haired/clean shaven,forearm rolled sleeved , shirt tucked in, belt wearing cardboard cutout cliche Gov in 2 episodes??? Antisocial air-gun miming in the bushes at Michonne. And then I guess survival = killing spree..in Gov's mind...or he's hobbies now include stabbing the breeze with people in it???
  21. LOL! Nice word play myk! He's crazy, alive and an original cast member...you just know he's gonna make a John Travollta come back.
  22. I'm enjoying everyone's headspace. PLUS.... What about Merv/Marv???? I know the guys got alot of indoor/outdoor hobbies....like: *clearing *burning *expressing mental health poetry on the walls. *part-time job as a not so sharp shooter from rooftops. *he's good at stabbing and armed to the teeth. ...he should get out more,socialise..I'm worried about him.
  23. Any change up from the daily life of the prison is welcome! I wonder how Gov's new found family bliss hold's up once they learn that he likes to shoot the breeze..with woodbury citizens in it. Plus I don't think we've seen the last of Carol, I got this feeling she's gonna come across this new group with the Gov's former muscle now in charge. I hope the climax to the series isn't where we see the Gov peering thru the bushes at the prison!! (perhaps he was a scout sent out under orders??) I'd like the climax to be a reveal of this mysterious transmission over the radio that Daryl & Co. heard on the medicine run.
  24. Yeah!! I love that phrase "sidestep a walker", it sounds like a dance step "the walker sidestep"...it's all about timing. The Gov is also good at staring competitions..with a walker taking a fire bath...and any new strangers he meets. And this whole new "I've given up fashion statement" it's like he's bringing werewolf back. I think an oxygen tank is redemption enough...GO GOV.
  25. ......wow you can here the tumbleweeds blow thru this thread. Previous episodes have seen a Daryl & Michonne team up...good to see Michonne demonstrate her Masters degree in head separation!! I hope they hook up. Liked the side story of the Gov, it would be cool if we had 2 storylines going on at once with 2 different groups. ...Or at the very least for the next few eps before we see the Gov peering thru the bushes at the prison. I forgive ya Gov for killing most of your citizens ......your trimmin' the fat..I get it...I've got a soft spot for crazy..Go Gov , get into your own adventures man!!!
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