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Everything posted by dyowelb

  1. yes..very nice...*stares SupremeK's avatar* very nice...
  2. I might give it a try... Here's a pix of the decals applied Thanks, d
  3. parts on the thighs are not yet there...needs touch up... decals are done...waiting to dry then i'll them seal up and then some more touch and i'm done... tommorow pix will be the finished kit. thanks, d
  4. I've been thinking of the same thing and I saw one that I can use. GI Joe Special Weapon somethin something...but it's too expensive... or you can just buy the weapon set for $10.00 Update: Almost done with the decals after ruining 3 of them( 2 of which are the License tag) d
  5. Thanks... I used Tamiya Field Blue( 3 shades in all) I'm in the process of applying the decals... More pix tommorow. Thanks, d
  6. Just want to share my latest finished kit...I'm still in the process of finding what paint to use on the rubber clothes ( but I'm thinking of using permanent marker). Anyways, here's the pix(sorry for the poor pix, it's been raining here since yestrday).. Thanks, d
  7. wow...nice work jesse...
  8. great work...your skill is really getting better...
  9. wohooo...i'm been following this since they file a petition on petitiononline.com..i can't wait to get the set d
  10. hey guys, thanks for the replies..got another question here, when i airbrush the paint get some beadings.... i can't get a smooth result... what am i doing wrong?? fyi: psi=15-20 thinning ratio= 1:1 oh by the way, it just topped raining here...does it have anything to do with the result?? thanks, d
  11. wouldn't latex also start cracking after a while though? That's what I read...
  12. Actually I'm still selling them...I'm doing Ingram 2 and the one that i'm selling is for Ingram 1. Nah, I really need to paint it coz i burnt the seam lines and it left some black soots(sp) and it would look good unpainted... BTW, are you planning on painting your Ingram 3??? This is the look I'm going for. Thanks, d
  13. i believe jesse mentioned the price on this thread
  14. Guys/Gals, I need some help. I'm building an Ingram NYPD Swat Labor and I need to paint the rubber sleeves but unfortunately acrylic wont stay(actually it does but it flakes). Anyways, does anybody knows what type/brand of paint I can use for rubbers(needs to be flexible). I heard about V color (or is it Mr. V Color) and Pactral(Sp) but can't find any info on them. Any help is appreciated... Thanks, d
  15. i can't wait for the 19....let us know.. thanks, d
  16. I heard that you can use Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, haven't tried it though. d
  17. hell yeah!!! can't wait for that....
  18. dyowelb


    Read this topic.....
  19. she's adam's wife, eve...
  20. will 70% iso. alcohol work??? and thanks for all the replies
  21. guys, what can i use as a substitute to thin tamiya acrylic? can i use regular rubbing alcohol? can i use Model Master acrylic thinner? also can i mix Model Master acrylic w/ Tamiya Acrylic? thanks, d
  22. Tip for hair extension...hope this can help... there;s a lot of tip on that site too (i.e. how to paint anime eyes) d
  23. nice.....keep us posted
  24. i kinda like the design...i hope they'll make a model kit of this car...
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