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Everything posted by dyowelb

  1. Uhm. Okiiieee.... I hope the final product is at least going to look somewhat different, because right now it reminds me more of Ultraman than anything else. (Incidentally, I believe there IS a Patlabour Ultraman spoof episode...) OMG, that's one of the funniest episodes they've made, and that's saying a lot. I even bought cels from that episode. Is that episode for the ova's??? I can't remember seeing that eps on the tv series.
  2. update: Here is where I am right now with this project. It's (the kit) like that for almost a month now and I haven't done any painting because of the weather. So here it is with the rest of the gang. Please note that armored labor is not yet painted. The SD helldiver is not yet in the pic( wohooo.. I got a SD Helldiver, selead on ebay for $25.00 shipped)
  3. you work fast man.. i have to agree with lynx, can't see the details of the model. do you have a (mini) tripod? if you don't i can give you one for $5.00 shipped.
  4. http://www.bad-words.com/images/robotech.html
  5. So cap, after this what would be the next project. I hope is a convertion/add on part for Hase's Battroid kit. -d
  6. http://www.scaleworkshop.com/workshop.htm
  7. go to automotiveforums.com http://www.automotiveforums.com/vbulletin/...play.php?f=1157
  8. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor.../nyr11501142107 he looks so funny
  9. Clearcoat first before doing the wash... prime, paint, clear coat, wash, clearcoat, decal and clearcoat again check out master cheng's thread for more tips.. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=5881
  10. this one I really like
  11. what about this ball?
  12. hi... would you like to see my monster and MG Balls? lol
  13. and my two kids are crying here.. calling me to go to bed...
  14. Tamiya will make a plastic kit of the F430 sometime later this year, while Hot Wheels will produce a 1/18 diecast replica. wohoo.. I can;t wait for it... I hope Tamiya treat it (the kit) the same way they made Enzo
  15. Is there gonna a kit of F430??? Who'll make it?
  16. I have a rear view pic. Will post it sometime tomorrow. thanks ng marami. d
  17. A7, do you have more pix of the first pic. I might mod my model car to look like that. thanks, d
  18. I have one and it came with a dengeki hobby magazine of 2004. The model is very detailed but like some of the guys said, you can articulate (barely) le shoulders, hips and neck that's it. It is very small. Don't bother with this model... My 2 cents I think the one the came with Dengeki is 1/200 scale? This one is 1/144. Do you have any picture of the kit as well as the box. Thanks, d
  19. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ssPageName=WDVW Does anybody knows what's the quality of this kit? How's the posability, the details? Any info will help. Thanks, d
  20. you can try e2046 or hobbyfan
  21. oooh...i can't wait for this kit....
  22. nice work....and you work fast, i mean really fast. d
  23. got any link??
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