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Everything posted by dyowelb

  1. Sam, goodluck with the digging. can't wait for your "Progress Shots" of the SD. Just got myself 4 SD kit from Diverdown. dyowleb
  2. check ebay. i just saw one earlier... he also has two more die cast 1/144.. pm me if you want the link
  3. thanks guys....
  4. hi, does anyone here have some picture of VF-1S Armored Valkyrie "Thunder Hummers"?. I saw one here (MW)before. Also, is this going to be release as a kit or a toy, just in case it's released? thanks, dyowelb
  5. hi gunner, got a question here. you said you used acrylic as you 'main' paints and enamel for your wash, can i used oil paint /w varsol for my wash??? thanks, dyowelb
  6. Hey Sam, ANy update on the Armored SD VF-1J??
  7. thanks..so i'll be fine as long as the undercoat is not oil base, right? any recommendation for undercoat?
  8. thanks! by the way, can i use the panel wash method on gundam models??
  9. hi, i'm new to modelling and i need some help to get me started. the question is, where i can get microset or microsol (which one is better of the two) online. also does anyone know what are the things needed for panel lines ( i think mr. cheng wrote something about black wash or something). thanks, dyowelb
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