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Everything posted by dyowelb

  1. what about NYPD swat decal....i have one for sale...
  2. i'm still finishing my sd vf-1a..at the same time starting my other sd kit..but this time it'll either max or milia scheme...also i'm doing a custom patlabor nypd swat...and lastly voltes v resin kit...
  3. Noooooo!!!! You might as well sit down and watch the Star Wars Christmas Special. It's just *that* wrong. But if you really, really feel the need to see he-who-shall-not-be-named, the just seach google. I hear he has his own website. bsu, thank you for telling about googling it...now i can't get the image out of my head... my eyessss...it burnsssss... d
  4. i'm confused...so what do you call people from the country of Indonesia???
  5. holy moly....that thing is a beaty....please keep us posted. d
  6. thanks.....
  7. thanks...for a novice, i think i did a good job painting the kit..as for weathering, i haven't done any weathering yet so any tip is welcome...
  8. i can't see the animation
  9. how tall is the kit??
  10. 4th
  11. 3rd
  12. 2nd
  13. got some time this weekend..so here's the update...almost 90% done...needs some more detailing and weathering(arrow on the head, lights on the legs, triangle thing on the shoulder and mods on the backpack)... i hope i can finish this this week so i can work with my voltes v kit..
  14. dyowelb

    Paint Booth

    do still have the website?? what are the dimensions of your booth? where did you buy the fan and how much? thanks, d
  15. Wow! Great link! I especially found it interesting that the word 'America' came from Italian - "Continent named after an Italian map maker" AND that the word 'Japan' came from Mandarin. So fascinating... i agree...very interesting link...and i thought yo-yo came from US and was borrowed by the Filipinos, but it's the other way around...
  16. ooops
  17. how thin was the sheet?? 0.02?? 0.03?? was it difficult?? thanks, d
  18. i'm interested...i'm going to use it as a guide to build a Monster made of Styrene... thanks, d
  19. nice design nick...i like the first one...
  20. nice butt..errr nice work sam..
  21. i believe that was me....how can i get his contact/email address??? thansk, d
  22. is hasegawa going to make these kits???
  23. dyowelb

    vf-1 1/48 in manila

    Bobe-Pat's not Filipino. He wouldn't know he's in Manila if a jeep decorated with a hundred metal horses hit him. or hundreds of tricycles i perfer Esq over sam miduel hehhee...ESQ Lapad or Bilog..love this with kilawing tanigue... i was going to say greattoys.net but mighty thor beat me to it..
  24. Here you go....
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