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Everything posted by dyowelb

  1. For some reason, I love the design of AV-98T Dolphin. I wonder why?
  2. 1/20 bust
  3. scale, manufacturer?
  4. Where can I order these exclusives in the US, webstore?
  5. Where in the US can I pre-order the SD kit??
  6. Does anyody know when is this coming out? Price? -d
  7. Nice.. I guess I'll settle for this one. It's cheape than the previous MP Voltron. I wish I can make one for my son for Haloween. http://theleagueofheroes.yuku.com/topic/42...WIP.html?page=2
  8. Hi Guys,\ Just want to share my new Brocken. Still not yet finished though(needs to fix a chip on the paint, courtesy of my 2 year old son) Anyways, here's the picture. After this' I'll work on Helldiver.
  9. Ooohhh...got any pics? I would love to see your SZ collection.
  10. here.... http://www.modelosdepapel.com.ar/mdp/index...0&Itemid=62
  11. Guys/Gals, I need some help. I found this picture of a kit and I love the design but don't know what anime it came from and what's called. Anyways, here's the picture. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, d
  12. wow...i love the frame/body. is there any place where i can buy just the frame?? -d
  13. i would suggest to use very fine sand papers...from 2000 grit and up..then polish it...
  14. Nice. But for $400 I think I'm going to skip on this one. -d
  15. Are these model kits?
  16. Patlabor kits are very good. Fits nicely and if you're going to paint them it there won't be any problem in term of masking. The only problem will be the rubber clothing. But I found a nice solution, use a black marker then rub it lightly with paper towel with little rubbing alcohol. If you can, collect those little SD kit too. They're so cute and cool. check my sig for my labors.
  17. Kin, Any update on the Alpha or Stascream? thanks, -d
  18. here http://rapidshare.de/files/23814824/destro...onster.rar.html
  19. It's a kitbash using Wolverine body form the X3 line of figures. here's the link http://wildwilly.proboards21.com/index.cgi...read=1145561732
  20. Nice. Those really looks good. How did you customize them? What materials did you use. Thanks, -d
  21. I believe they'll be out this Fall. They are called Marvel Legends Icon, from Toy Biz. MSRP is US$15.00
  22. I'm in for the set.
  23. They look awesome but I like this one better http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=138918
  24. Yes, I love the show. I have all the SW but the blue and yellow clone figure. I love those maquettes but I can't see my self buying them 'coz of the price.
  25. Nice work on the Clone Trooper, LTSO. Is it in scale with the other SW figs? What's next, Gen. Kenobi in armor/trooper suit?
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