Just want to call a quick time out from this whole 'Ohnogi' thing to have a quick rant about silly bloody made up internet phrases that don't make any sense, namely "Shipping War"!
First time I ever heard this phrase was in this thread and I had to look it up as I had no idea what it means..........certainly, nothing to do with ships or shipping!!!!!
If you said "shipping war" to me, I would have thought you were talking about the Battle of the Atlantic in WWII, were the U-boats and warships of the German Navy tried to destroy the convoys bringing supplies from the US to the UK. Or perhaps a cost cutting price war between modern day shipping companies. Or perhaps even at a stretch, the ongoing Somali piracy threat to shipping.
Certainly, I would have never guessed in a million years that it refered to "Verbal arguments between people who have different opinions about romantic relationships between characters of a show, book, etc." (definition taken from www.urbandictionary.com).
Rant off.