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About Graham

  • Birthday 10/29/1969

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  1. Did you CFW your Vita TV yet? Any issues doing it?
  2. To answer my own question, yes, there was another VF-31 Super Part set that I needed to unlock that has the reaction missiles. 😅
  3. Yeah, I noticed that as well.
  4. I Don't think they released the VF-19 Kai Battroid yet. I'm hoping they will do the VF-17D/S in Battroid and Fighter modes eventually. And of course a VF-19F/S/P would be great as well.
  5. Resurrecting a just over 20 year old topic.....LOL 😅 Just installed the "redream" Dreamcast emulator on my S24 Ultra Android phone and download the ROM of Macross M3. Game runs fine, but game play is just as bad as I remember it from all those years ago. 😂 Still, It's nice to be able to play it again just for nostalgia's sake, as my Dreamcast died about 15+ years ago. I think I still have 2 original copies of the M3 game at home somewhere, including one which is unopened.
  6. I'm a bit disappointed by the shade of blue chosen for the Sound Booster and also those fugly attachment brackets, especially the one for fighter mode. 🤢 However, I get that at HMR size it would have been more difficult to implement the Yamato/Arcadia 1/60 attachment method. Anyway, I'm still getting one HMR Sound Booster, which I'll display with the VF-19 Kai in battroid mode.
  7. When the new Macross TV series is released, there might be a chance of Bandai releasing some 1/72 transforming kits for the new show and maybe re-releasing some of the older kits. However, I have a feeling that as the HG 1/100 Shortcut Change line seems to be doing well for Bandai, they may drop 1/72 altogether in favour of the HG. Just my guess.
  8. Just spotted on Facebook on Macross Fan Central.
  9. I'm hoping we get a teaser look at the new VFs, even if it's just in silhouette. I wanna start speculating on the designs. 😅
  10. More than that if you also include the color schemes from the "Walküre Launch" video, which Hasegawa released kits of.
  11. Definitely buying. Looks awesome. This HG Shortcut Change line is getting better and better with each new release. Hopefully, they also use the insert molding for VF-25 HG kits in the future also. Now just go and release a YF-19 v.2 kit already LOL.
  12. Hopefully Bandai will release a set with the Ghosts + missile packs + solid shield and sword for the Bogue Sv-262Hs. But, I'm not holding my breath.
  13. For me the best control layout of the ArtDink Macross games is Macross Delta Scramble on the Vita, followed by the Hybrid PS3 games, then lastly 3 PSP games (MAF/MUF/MTF). Mac 30 is excluded from this list as I don't remember the controls, as it's been so long since I played it. 😅 I gotta re-visit Macross 30 soon I think. And as much as I loved the PSP games back in the day, I always hated that the D-pad was used to fly and move the VFs and the stick was used for transformation, It really should have been the other way round.
  14. From the pics posted above, it doesn't seem to have the ghost drones. Just seems to be a bare bones release with the Sv-262Hs and stand only.
  15. I've got one of these on pre-order. I like the red and gold scheme and I've always liked the look of the Sv-262Hs in fighter mode. Although, I really wish Bandai would release the Sv-262Ba as well. I was actually playing around with my DX Keith Sv-262Hs yesterday, as I've been re-watching Delta on D+ recently and also playing a lot Delta Scramble on Vita recently. The toy is holding up well. It's just a pity that Bandai are not including the 4 x missile packs with the Bogue Sv-262Hs, as I think we never see the Sv-262 without them in the show and movies.
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