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About Graham

  • Birthday 10/29/1969

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  1. That makes the most sense.
  2. Just curious, as I haven't seen anybody mention these MRVs in any online discussion about weapons in Macross before. I guess re-color of the reaction missile render saves animation budget. And from an in-universe standpoint, Delta Squadron couldn't use reaction missiles inside Windermere's atmosphere, so if the movie script called for a larger wing-mounted missile to be fired rather than the internal micro-missiles, then Kawamori had to come up with a different type of missile to use.
  3. Just wondering if anybody has any information or a model designation regarding the MRV missiles used by Delta Squadron at the beginning of the Zettai Live!!!!! movie? From what I can find online, in the real world MRV seems to be a bit different to MIRV, with the primary difference being that the individual warheads are not targetable. From Wikipedia: "MRV: A multiple re-entry vehicle (MRV) system for a ballistic missile deploys multiple warheads above a single aimpoint which then drift apart, producing a cluster bomb-like effect. These warheads are not individually targetable". So far, I can't find these MRVs mentioned in either the VF-31 or VF-31AX Master Files or any other source. The animators appear to be re-using the render for the standard VF-31 reaction missile, just with the colors changed from white to grey and a Chaos logo on the side. If you look at the last 2 screenshots below, there definitely looks like a burst effect, with what could possible be the multiple warheads shooting out of the main body of the missile.
  4. I'm presuming that like the VF-25 series, the VF-31 series also uses linear actuators for faster transformation time, less wear and tear and reduced maintenance. Just asking as none of the usual English spec sights (Macross Compendium, MAHQ, Macross2.net etc.) mention linear actuators for the VF-31. Just wondering if it is mentioned in any of the Japanese spec sites or in Master Files (not that I consider Master Files generally anymore than bad fanfic....LOL.....even if it is semi official).
  5. Speaking of minimal change reissues, it's about time Bandai reissued the Frontier cannon fodder DX VF-171 with the improved triangles and other durability improvements from last year's Revival VF-171EX. My older Frontier DX VF-171 toys are long gone.😓 I'd also be up for buying a Macross Delta color DX VF-171 as well, which would just be a simple color change for Bandai. And still waiting for reissues of the YF-30, RVF-25 and VF-25A, as all of mine have yellowed.
  6. TPB should be Trade Paper Back, AKA Graphic Novel. In that context, I'm guessing Floppy means comic book. I just searched and found this: https://www.amazon.com/VIZ-GRAPHIC-NOVEL-MACROSS-II/dp/B00852IJHQ
  7. The red and gold Bogue Sv-262-Hs is from the second movie.
  8. Different head and different wings on the Sv-262Ba. I do hope Bandai eventually releases at least one BA, as I far prefer the head design.
  9. I ended up throwing out my Milia figures years ago as they got really sticky. I think the heat and humidity here in HK, especially during the summer months definitely doesn't help with the lifespan of PVC figures.
  10. It's a nice toy, I'm enjoying mine.
  11. I also wanna hear Yoshiki Fukuyama's version of the song as well. Bomba!
  12. I really like May'n's rendition of the audition song. I hope we get Junna's take on it as well.
  13. Have Satelight and Kawamori parted ways? I hadn't heard that. He is listed as a Special Advisor on their website. But I would really like to know the details behind why Sunrise and not Satelight is producing the next Macross TV series.
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