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About koushiro

  • Birthday 11/24/1980

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    Macross Frontier

koushiro's Achievements

Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. koushiro


    Gomen nasai(sorry) this is taking more time then i thought i would be my wife and i work and so we spend time every night getting this diorama to look good sorry to all that this is taking so long.
  2. koushiro


    a misunderstanding that was promptly cleared up by other members.
  3. koushiro


    maybe i don't fully understand the symbols but i still feel my wife and her friends shouldn't be in this forum until i can better understand it. those insulting posted would bring nothing but trouble if my wife and her friends became members. there are still some un-friendly people here.
  4. koushiro


    so what? is that an image of "what ever" i can leave this place after seeing a few members start personal attacks on a culteral group. i don't need an insult on my intelligence. not a very happy group here. thats why i told my wife to steer clear before she gets attacked on something.
  5. koushiro


    still working on the pics. like my artistry i'm a perfectionist. me and my wife are ones who don't like to half ass on things. Our Nikon D90 images will be posted as soon as were completed.
  6. koushiro


    I will start posting images of the Macross model base AFB Sterling my wife named the base after our favorite married coulpe in the Macross series. this base will look like any american AFB and will have alot of what everyone likes. i will start posting monday. it takes up half our upstairs room.
  7. koushiro


    yes sir
  8. koushiro


    I'm putting together a video from what my wife and her friends did during the anime party my wife and her cooky friends sung Ranka's carrot songニンジーン Loves you yeah! its too cute is there a place to post it?
  9. koushiro


    buying a few of them from Ta lins asian store in town they were all minus a pilots. but i didn't mind they all cost 45$ each all because i asked the manager about them and he said "they weren't selling so he dropped the price down from 80$. it was quite funny so i brought all his stock for a project me and my wife are doing.
  10. koushiro


    gomen nasai i feel i've cause problems telling too much about my personal life i do apologize
  11. koushiro


    its funny now though everytime we visit Japan me and my wife she remembers me as this lttle skinny boy with a large afro Promising to protect her daughter. i have no problems speaking and understanding Japanese. a prime factor her father aloud me to marry her.
  12. koushiro


    heheheheeh my wife is the oldest of 3 sisters Mayumi (20) and Miki (17) all big fans her mother blames me for turning her oldest daughter into a big anime fan. [quote name='Lethalzero' date='Jan 18 2009, 10:05 PM' post='704766' that will be great... ill love to see those say koushiro, does your wife have a sister? xD just kidding... on second thought .. ahahhaha
  13. koushiro


    I will get my wife to be a member of this forum so she can tell you guys who she is and what she loves about Macross. in the idea of making the dioramas we are making them quite large about the size of a full military base that me and my wife are use to. were modeling the UN-spacy base after 2 bases me and my wife love Misawa and Hickam Air force base Hawaii. all the way to scale model flight line housing and cargo aircraft and like i said before planes from now the 21st century. this is a plan thought up last year when my wifes bonus at work prompted her to create a large scale diorama of a full working military base in the Macross time line. its funny to see my wife's hands painting and air brushing already painted Queadluun-Rau in dark gray and light gray printed with the UN-Spacy marking to a Meltradi character she created in her imagination Kaina with a deep red and maroon paint job. i'm tasked with over 30 1/72 scale F-14A,F-22,F-23,C-130s and different things found on a scale air field. i'll post all the images i captured on my digital Nikon camera so everyone in this forum can see was 2 fanatics can do!
  14. koushiro


    i did it but she inspires me to do it
  15. koushiro


    I will add a picture of it because i've been working on a diorama with them being preped for sortie next to some UN-spacy F-14s,VFs and ground personel. my wife is painting 2 others in colors for a low ranking UN-spacy meltradi pilots she brought 2 from HLJ this morning she said " you have yours and i want some more for keeping in the box". she loves this figure too much ever since we saw Macross movie at the Air Force base theatre back in the early 90s.
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