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D.D. Ivanov

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Everything posted by D.D. Ivanov

  1. First news on mods in quite some time... On his site, he's shown a Uraga-Class Escort Battle Carrier, and on his Youtube channel, he's said that he's working on some ground objects. After that, he's gonna release a Queadluun-Rau/Rea, followed by (finally) the VF-1.
  2. But didn't the Japanese release of AdHoc Party only support Japanese games? If that's the case, I'd assume that you'd still need to use the Japanese version to play MUF.
  3. I've been messing around with the different Monsters a bit... While the Prototype Monster is good for taking out lots of ground targets, and the Konig is great at taking out ships, I still find the Mk II the most useful due to the full weapon fire having epic range and relatively high velocity. In the Plus test mission where you have to take out the base, one salvo backed up by the Command Skill Macross Cannon can destroy the factory almost immediately.
  4. Hard to choose a topic to put this in, because it uses both the PS3 and PSP, but... http://kotaku.com/5404058/psp-adhocparty-c...o-north-america FINALLY!
  5. Noticed a couple details for which fixing would be nice... The gap between the Gsh-231 and the body of the SV-51 in fighter mode is WAAAAY too obvious. Ivanov's SV-51y should be a darker shade of grey/black, not the weird grey-blue it currently is. As is, i have to customize it myself. The intakes need to be more detailed. As is, they look horrendous on the SV-51. The SV-51a has only one visible 12.7mm machine gun, as it should be, but when fired, there are two bullet streams. Real flight mode needs to stall less easily(it only takes a couple seconds, as opposed to Normal flight), and it needs to have a better sense of speed, and the ability to look around. Real actually puts you at a disadvantage, as people using Normal can lock on to targets at their 6, while someone using Real must actually aim at them. Quedluun-Rau/Rea coloring needs to be fixed, as the default color for Milia and Klan's respective machines are pink instead of red. Transparent canopies would be nice, too.
  6. I think the non-transforming SV-51 w/booster has to do with the fact that the wings would be stuck WAAAAAAY out because they wouldn't be able to fold at all. Otherwise, it could be to balance the fact that the Missile Rs that the booster equipped version has are capable of destroying even star units with a small salvo. I kinda miss being able to use the thing in space, though. I was also somewhat dissapointed over the lack of Global in the game, too. I mean, we get the Captain version of Max, and Wilder, but no Global? And all units that have named pilots should also have corresponding voice actors.
  7. I find it hilarious that he thinks that we REALLY care about what his username is on this site.
  9. Corrected due to a typo. To clarify the quoted post, Type A stays on no matter how much damage you take, but gives a melee special instead of the ammospam that Type B gives, which itself is dumped if you take a certain amount of damaged.
  10. Stuff that costs 25000 to 35000 in the Mode section of the shop is usually the things you want to buy.
  11. Holy crap, you changed your avatar.
  12. Human biological standards dont really count when you're actually upwards of 1000 years old.
  13. Is the nemesis a highlighter-yellow Queadluun-Rau?
  14. Needs moar love triangle.
  15. You live creepily close to me.
  16. I take back what I said about Chronicle Friendly Fire. Infinity is officially the most unfun multi-part mission of the game. Excuse me, but using Ozma's -25S to fight off hordes of Vajra, rescuing Luca as Alto, and then fighting MORE Vajra as the Quarter isn't TEH EPIX WINZ. It's REALLY F***ING ANNOYING. The first two parts are absurdly easy, too, and you don't even have to fire off a shot when playing as Alto. ...no, the problem is, someone REALLY wasn't thinking when they designed the Quarter for this game. Its missiles and main cannon are incapable of killing starred large-type Vajra in any reasonable amount of time (10 minutes really isn't f***ing enough), it's faster than the other Macross vessels, but still incapable of dodging enemy fire, and takes twice as much damage, and the SP attack has absolutely no usability whatsoever. Whooo, I hit my opponent into the air...TO A POINT WHERE FIRING THE GUN WON'T EVEN F***ING HIT HIM. And using it on ships...it just passes through. Just like Ace Frontier, this game begins to show major flaws once you spend any significant amount of time playing through it.
  17. You no longer have your own command skill; that's what the support character is FOR. Although that really does make flying some of the special valkyries pointless, as what's the point of flying the Fire Valkyrie if you can't use it as Basara and activate his skill without equipping it on a different support character? That's one gameplay element that I considered not well thought-out. Also, through that, you can no longer use Max World as Max, even though the AI can.
  18. Epic quad post. And I think you're confusing the commands. Triangle+Circle is SP attack. Circle+X is Command Support Character. Select-->Down is Partner SP attack. L+Triangle+Circle is Double SP attack.
  19. Wait till he does it to you THREE TIMES in one match. ...but still doesn't manage to hit you.
  20. GAH lagged double post, someone delete this
  21. I'm sure Big Boss likes where he was placed.
  22. The battle against DYRL Bodolzaa is a pain in the ass to S-rank. Doing the first part in 3:30 and the second part in :40, it still won't get ANY F***ING HIGHER. What, do I have to attack the damned grunts sitting around him, too, to raise the rank?
  23. I'm getting a bit pissed off with the Chronicle missions. It's not that the enemies are as cheap as the EX mission enemies from MAF, but they're absurdly fast(especially the star units/bosses like Nora). Apparently Artdink decided to take the same general route and ignore the fact that making the AI faster does NOT make it more fun(I want SMART AI, not runaroundnonstopshootingeverythingwevegotevenifitdoesnthitnearyou. ...wait, I take back the cheapness statement, all star units have the ability to use their SP attack on command, and the fact that enemies like the Large Vajra can aim their special now completely breaks the AI at close range, since its aim is almost perfect. Take Friendly Fire(Shadow of Michael) for example. Even the small Vajra are capable of withstanding direct hits from the sniper rifle if it's not absurdly tuned, and the LV can't aim to save itself, but it essentially has THE SAME attacks as the -25G, just with the AI's godly aiming ability. And while I take little to no damage, I have 2 minutes to defeat Brera. I mean, damn, I haven't had this little fun in a Macross mission since...er, Friendly Fire(Sad Sniper EX). EDIT: Got an S rank now. Thankfully, Alto's AI is actually compotent, Klan serves as a distraction, and Brera slowed down right when Alto screamed "MICHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELL!!!!!!!!!!" allowing my to purge my Super Pack and blast him with the standard SP attack.
  24. I ignored anything in that post after "Robotech".
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