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D.D. Ivanov

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Everything posted by D.D. Ivanov

  1. So, unfortunately, no updates on the pack recently, although digging around led me to a comment by Impulse that at some point he plans to do an SV-51. However, he has released a PAK-FA on his page.
  2. Silent Line: Armored Core Portable is out tomorrow, and Armored Core 3 Portable has been out for some time. No information on the release date of Last Raven Port, though. You'll be able to transfer AC3 data to SL, and AC3/SL data to LR. All three games are only available in the US through the PlayStation Store, although for the bargain price of $15.
  3. Rockstar Games has announced that the Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City DLC will be avaliable to PC and PS3 players on March 30th. http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/2010...tation_3_and_pc
  4. It was alright; just try not to pay attention to the story, and whatever you do, don't give your plane cosmetic upgrades. Oh god, those were terrible...
  5. So, yeah, within a couple hours, the PAK-FA should fly, but there won't be any pictures or video for a while; the only cameras allowed are those owned by Sukhoi.
  6. "All units, attack the Gundam!" Never ends well.
  7. I did the bonus missions, but didn't unlock the extra characters... Then I did a Frontier mission, and for some reason, THEN it gave the player characters to me.
  8. Gubaba, you gave Macross too many "s''s. Clearly, from the fact that he types it repeatedly, it's "macros"
  9. It could also be due to Sakaguchi's Mistwalker studio releasing the FF-clone Lost Odyssey on the 360. No better way to hurt a former employee-turned-rival than releasing a rival game on the same platform. Ironically, Sakaguchi left Square stating that 1)he hates Sony, and 2)Square focuses on Final Fantasy too much.
  10. Funny, you were being a smartass first. Tell me, would it be so unreasonable to release the PS3 version when it was finished, instead of waiting for the 360 version to be completed? Or is Square afraid of making a few 360 fanboys cry boo-hoo tears?
  11. Cool story bro, and ima let you finish, but I'm talking about how it's being delayed internationally due to a late decision to make a 360 version only outside of Japan.
  12. For those who were planning to import, Final Fantasy XIII is now out in Japan on the PS3. ...those of us who want the US or European versions, however, must wait until early March. You can thank the 360 version for that.
  13. Oh my god, I saw it in 9th grade too... The public schools are full of child pornography-loving perverts!
  14. Oh, damn, he still hasn't posted. He must be REALLY baffled.
  15. So doug was just reading this thread... I imagine he's going to go try to gather his thoughts into one short, incoherent paragraph where he ignores the logical counters of Seto and the undeniable logic of VFTF1, and post it some time from now while at the same time making a sad attempt to insult everybody on this site. Oh, AND while continuing on a dead-end debate track and ignoring the other questions, which I can assume his only reason for is his inability to formulate a response to them.
  16. The Google Translate Dougbendo page isn't working for me right now. Can someone help me out?
  17. ...Didn't I see the member info bar saying dougbendo was typing his post a while ago?
  18. Yes, but...I don't remember exactly what the catalyst was. I S-ranked some mission(I think it was Frontier-era, as this was long after I did the password missions), and then all the other pilots appeared as a reward.
  19. Going back to the article... I agree.
  20. Well, in Ultimate Frontier, the Monster uses its stubby missile-launcher arms to sort of squish things in between them.
  21. I got the VF-2SS SAP after S-ranking the first Macross II mission.
  22. We should get a Macross Cannon as a reward for getting 100% completion of the game.
  23. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_Section
  24. Well, this one can't exactly apply, as it was a squadron of four planes. Technically, Ozma, Michael, and Luca would have command over Alto, since he's the number four, and therefore takes the trail position.
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