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D.D. Ivanov

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Everything posted by D.D. Ivanov

  1. Birds of Steel on the PS3 and 360 is excellent for a console flight sim. It has a few game data bugs and the AI is atrocious in BOTH directions(it either ignores your existence or every plane on the map wants to shoot you down exclusively) but has 102 WWII planes to choose from and is quite active online compared to Gaijin's previous efforts. Also, they're releasing a MMOFS soon called War Thunder(formerly War Thunder: World of Planes, and before that World of Planes, not to be confused with World of Warplanes which is by the people who made World of Tanks) which will be on PC and essentially uses BoS as a prototype. However, it'll have at least double the amount of planes and will supposedly have custom skin support. On consoles, the jet side of things has been fairly limited as of late, the only sim I can recall for this gen would be Over-G Fighters on the 360. Unfortunately the online is pretty much dead. As I mentioned before in the topic, Eagle Dynamics' DCS series is getting a few additions in terms of aircraft choice, and DCS: P-51D Mustang should be complete in the near future if it isn't already.
  2. Their kits are far from high quality, but I still love Kotobukiya for the sheer amount of variety in AC kits they have. Hell, they've made all three versions of Nineball into model kits, and even have slightly more obscure ones like Stinger's Vixen from Project Phantasma(though I passed that up in favor of a SRW OG Gespenst Kai).
  3. I don't think it slipped anyone's mind, it's just that ArmA has some of the worst air combat in any game ever.
  4. You've forgotten about the Ka-50. Besides, the planes selected as full DCS products(Ka-50, A-10C, F-15E) are done so on a contractual basis. They're produced because there's demand by the military for a sim of that plane. The lesser-modeled planes that are flyable in DCS World(Su-25, P-51Dm F-14D, F-22A) are there for the enjoyment of people just playing the sim like any other, although they are not nearly as accurate as the full DCS planes. Hell, I'm pretty sure the Su-25T was ripped straight from Flaming Cliffs 2.
  5. So apparently the next full DCS plane simulated is going to be the F-15E Strike Eagle, and DCS World will have both the F-14D and F-22A as flyable craft in the future. http://forums.eagle....ead.php?t=89433 Also, a picture of a P-51 and F-22 in formation at the Andrews AFB airshow. I would have used something other than a camera phone were it not for the fact that my actual camera only lasted about five minutes.
  6. Went to the Andrews Air Force Base air show today, came back sunburned, but it was worth it for the B-2 flyby, Harrier hovering, F-22 flipping, and an Osprey. Oh, and a Yak-9. ...And a performance by the Blue Angels.
  7. Only until its reactivation is required to save the Earth.
  8. Getting the DLC for the Japanese version on the PS3 would mean spending more money on this crap. Paying for awesome DLC in a terrible game is not worth it.
  9. Even better when you consider the fact that in the US, the PS3 version never got the final regulation. One of the things it did was expand the total amount of FRS memory you could have, which was important because the unpatched version of the game didn't have enough. This meant you couldn't use the top ranking schematics, as they exceeded your total amount. Of course, Sega was responsible for implementing the patches for the US version, and the 360 got full support.
  10. Maybe if Namco Bandai hadn't ditched more than half of the fanbase, and instead made Ace Combat 6 multiplatform, we would have gotten Ace Combat 7 instead of AfterBurner: Jim DeFelice Edition. Instead, Namdai decided to blame AC6's poor sales on a stagnant formula, and gave us a rail shooter with planes. That's not to say 6 was a great game. While the gameplay and graphics were a step up simply due to new hardware alone, the story was horribly derivative from its own predecessors and the online was poorly thought-out.
  11. Noone plays Armored Core for the plot, but as a game that had no server-based online for eleven games straight, they usually had a decent narrative. Master of Arena and AC2 in particular had a good story, along with the first half of the AC3-Last Raven arc. Hell, even 4-fA had a decent story, and 4 would have made more sense were it not for the fact that Sega decided to not translate several critical plot details. ACV's single-player is frankly the worst in the series, even moreso because of the fact that your offline status and online status are split.
  12. You CAN remap buttons on the T-Flight HOTAS X to have an actually fitting control scheme, save for the rudder which must be split between the throttle and the stick. The problem is the fact that this is through the stick's built-in remapping, which resets every time it turns off. Not worth it, in my opinion. Apache: Air Assault was produced by Activision, what do you expect, reasonable price drops? At least Gaijin has their games released at sub-standard prices anyways.
  13. That video is unrealistic, it displays competent flying of a VF-1J-ish plane. We all know Hikaru wasn't capable of getting anything done.
  14. I wouldn't suggest playing it with a flight stick, i tried with my T-Flight HOTAS X and it was a horrible experience. I had to go play LOMAC and Falcon 4 for six hours straight to cleanse myself.
  15. No, he's just convinced that it's Namco Bandai's laziness that results in it not being released elsewhere instead of various issues involving the Macross license. He thinks that simply altering the design slightly would allow it to be released here, of course ignoring the fact that changing the design would ruin the point of said DLC in the first place. Linking him to the HG and Robotech thread proved fruitless as well.
  16. I'm trying to make it clear to someone on Gamefaqs that licensing issues are why we will not get this DLC. It's not going well.
  17. You'd still need a Japanese copy of the game, you know.
  18. Then you'd love the VF-1 skins for the F-14 that they're releasing.
  19. Stupid region-locked DLC. This would be enough to make me start playing again, too.
  20. MGS1 is already on the Playstation Store, so they probably didn't feel the need to put a non-upscaled game in an HD collection.
  21. Not gonna make a new topic till more details are out, but... http://www.siliconera.com/2010/11/29/rumor-make-your-own-macross-pilot-in-macross-triangle-frontier/
  22. I just don't like how they're focusing on the "Close-Range Assault" so much. Kono acts like noone liked the old Ace Combat formula, so they had to throw in rail shooting and STEEL CARNAGE to satisfy people. Note how he talks about how it wasn't fun watching stuff blow up far away, so everything has to be in-your-face now.
  23. I do not like the sound of this.
  24. It's the final boss. Virtually all AC games have had at least one unrealistic mech has a boss(AC1's massive MT, ACPP's Phantasma, ACMoA's Nineball Seraph, Leos Klein's massive weapon in AC2, any of the special bosses in Another Age, AC3's massive MT, ACSL's IBIS, Nexus' massive MT and Nineball cameo, [Ninebreaker didn't have anything, as the game was all tests] and ACLR's Pulverizers.}
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