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D.D. Ivanov

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Everything posted by D.D. Ivanov

  1. D.D. Ivanov

    Macross 30

    It's like you're seriously blind and didn't bother watching the preview video.
  2. D.D. Ivanov

    Macross 30

    But everyone in the game will outshine Shin, I don't see what the problem is.
  3. D.D. Ivanov

    Macross 30

    Yeah, saying Fokker is dead doesn't make sense when Macross Zero is used in this game, and that series' antagonists are alive in this.
  4. D.D. Ivanov

    Macross 30

    Do you think the music is pointless and that Macross would be better if it was entirely about things blowing up?
  5. D.D. Ivanov

    Macross 30

    The only two parts of VF-X2 I found difficult were that damned mission with the VA-3 because it's so slow, and the bad ending fight against Gilliam. He's referring to the scene in the trailer where Sheryl encounters Sara.
  6. Sonic-speed destruction shooting is now in 1920x1080 and 60fps!
  7. http://www.siliconera.com/2013/01/23/why-dragons-dogma-dark-arisen-is-a-40-retail-game/ And here we go again with Capcom's shenanigans.
  8. Oh wow, i haven't played YS Flight in years.
  9. D.D. Ivanov

    Macross 30

    We'll definitely get several of Fire Bomber's songs since the Sound Force Valkyries are present with the gimmick they had in the PSP games.
  10. D.D. Ivanov

    Macross 30

    UMD video regions were different between the US and Japan, though, even though the games themselves had no region coding.
  11. D.D. Ivanov

    Macross 30

    They could region-lock it if they wanted to. Persona 4 Arena will only work in the actual region it's released, the software of the system locks you out otherwise. The same goes for the MGRising demo, you can only access it if your PS3 is from Japan.
  12. D.D. Ivanov

    Macross 30

    But he's talking about an older model, leading me to believe that he for some reason thinks the launch models somehow can't play import games.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tKSsEkg4u8 MARIE
  14. D.D. Ivanov

    Macross 30

    Is this a serious question? When is the last time you heard of a PS3 not playing a game just because it's an older model?
  15. D.D. Ivanov

    Macross 30

    Couldn't they, you know, switch the arts for the box and the case? I like pictures of valkyries on my Macross games.
  16. D.D. Ivanov

    Macross 30

    I wouldn't be surprised if Isamu ends up stealing a YF-29.
  17. D.D. Ivanov

    Macross 30

    You said the VF-17 isn't much of an atmospheric fighter, which doesn't mean much when things that can't even be used in the atmosphere are being used such a way in this game.
  18. D.D. Ivanov

    Macross 30

    Neither is the VF-1S Strike Pack, and you can use that in the atmosphere in this game.
  19. D.D. Ivanov

    Macross 30

    Jesus christ those LE paintschemes are hideous.
  20. So it's just a pathetic attempt to get people to buy the awful port of ZoE.
  21. Turns out you can't even play the demo on a US PS3, even with a JP account. It gives a warning saying the content cannot be played due to region restrictions. Looks like the whole boon of PS3s being region free is slowly slipping away.
  22. D.D. Ivanov

    Macross 30

    Maybe they give the Roy Focker Special YF-29 to Ozma since it already has SMS markings. EDIT: I knew I recognized that list from somewhere.
  23. D.D. Ivanov

    Macross 30

    At least Gerwalk and Battroid mode don't control horribly in the Artdink games like they did in VFX-2, not to mention how hilariously weak the gunpod was in that game.
  24. D.D. Ivanov

    Macross 30

    I habu contororu!
  25. D.D. Ivanov

    Macross 30

    Because they're not going to cater to a market that they can't even legally access.
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