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D.D. Ivanov

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Everything posted by D.D. Ivanov

  1. This is definitely the A model. The nozzles match, as the B and D models had more contemporary-style nozzles. Also, this model has the slots for the glove vanes of the A's. EDIT: Also, you can see the canard inside the plane.
  2. Well, Kamjin was clearly going to be a solid enemy from the very beginning. And Kaifun was an ass from the very first time you saw him, as he immediately starts out with his hippy BS. Also, both the Spacy and the Anti-UN were bad in Zero. The UNS would destroy AFOS and possibly the island if their experiments were not to work out, and the AUN had that professor guy who wanted to end the world.
  3. BOMBAA!! Just as long as the game doesn't end up on the Wii. Also, coming out on the PS3 would allow people in other countries to play the game.
  4. No, you got it wrong. It's... BOMBA! Oh, and I hate Misa as well. Don't ask why, even I don't know. I couldn't agree more... And I highly doubt that a Macross game would come out for the 360. Even though it's sorta picking up in Japan, I don't see why Microsoft would allow a product that wouldn't be sold in the states.
  5. If you get the proper materials, I believe X-Link Kai has a channel specifically designated for MAF.
  6. Could be either overheating or a disconnected hard drive. It depends on what game. Most will let you copy data from the hard drive onto a USB flash drive or any of the cards that fit into the slots on the PS3. However, some are copyright-protected, usually due to special content. Mercenaries 2 did that because of the pre-order costume bonuses.
  7. Oh, right, forgot about that thing.
  8. 1. Grades vary based on the mission. Some are time-based, others are point or protection-target based, and the other kind is damage you have taken. S means that you have nearly perfected that mission, and SS means perfect. Getting an S rank on specific missions will give you an EX mission in which you play one of the characters, such as Pineapple Salad EX ("Skull Leader Forever"), where you play first as Roy, then Max against Milia. 2. Armors? I assume you mean the VF-1A FAST Pack and VF-1S Strike Valkyries. VF-1A Super Valkyrie, beat "Present for You/Longest Birthday" EX with S+ rank, won't be too hard if you use pilot ability(Square+X). VF-1S Strike Valkyrie Hikaru, beat "Macross Attack". VF-1S Strike Valkyrie Roy, beat "Do You Remember Love". The Reactive Armor Valkyrie requires you to beat "Kung Fu Fighter" and (maybe, I can't remember)DYRL with C or higher. 3. http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/psp/file/948812/54833 4. Use A VF-1A, melee the Defenders and Phalanx at the beginning, gun down/laser the Phalanx/Spartan duo. Let your SP bars fill before Hikaru appears(let it fill twice), then pull off the -1A's super melee combo by pressing Triangle and Circle(Special Attack, it's mech-specific) against Hikaru. Use it again, then gun or regular-melee the other Valkyrie. Tune your health and melee power as much as possible, and run away from Hikaru if your attack fails, because his combo is more powerful than yours at this point.
  9. I've always assumed that Skull Squadron was Roy's squadron pre-SDF-M, was assigned to evaluate the VF-0 when that craft was release, and upgraded to the VF-1 once it became operational. It's perfectly normal for fighter squadrons to upgrade aircraft once theirs are obsolete. I mean, the VFA-103 "Jolly Rogers" have gone from flying Corsairs to Cougars to Phantom IIs, then to F-14As, Bs, then the F/A-18E Hornet. Also, given the styling of the Valkyries, I'd assume Roy flew an F-14 beforehand.
  10. Actually, Misa wasn't there. It was just Kim, Vanessa, and Shammy. They told Misa when they encountered Roy and Hikaru on the street by the military base,
  11. Oh, Kakazaki's "Last Supper"? Yeah, but the problem is if you use it with the Macross, it's still only the radius that occurs with a fighter. And I wanted to recreate "Burst Point" near the Thurvel-Salans, too...
  12. I just want another Big Boss prequel. I believe Kojima once said that he'd be willing to do more stories about Big Boss, and there's a 25-year gap from Portable Ops' story to the old MG games.
  13. Thread needs more Arms Fort Answerer.
  14. But Ivanov and Nora were killed by an ancient bio-superweapon. Hikaru didn't go up against AFOS. Roy died because he clearly thought food was more important than medical attention. Michel wasn't even in his plane. And Guld sacrificed himself.
  15. Meant to reply to a previous post mentioning AC, but accidentally deleted the quote. So, it's valid.
  16. Wow. Messed around with some of the CEFP planes again, as I rarely use them, and the Strike Valkyrie and the ELINTSeeker can't even transform into Battroid mode.
  17. I've noticed that whenever Kawamori DOESN'T work on an Armored Core game, the mechs end up being bland. For instance... In AC1, the scariest looking thing was the absurdly fast-moving Devastator. Which you could sit on top of and slam with the KARASAWA rifle. In Last Raven, we got cheap Pulverizers which seem to enjoy suicide runs on you when you destroy them.(I beat the bipedal one in the city without taking any major hits, and just before it blows up, it slams into my AC's upper core, and I lost the head unit). In AC4, we got giant four-legged Kojima cannons and a tunneler robot thing. Now, compare that with Stinger's Vixen(pwn) and Phantasma from PP, Nineball Seraph from MoA, weird flying giant MT from 3, IBIS from SL, "???" Nineball-esque mech from Nexus, and the arm forts(especially Answerer and Spirit of Mother Will) from For Answer.
  18. Looked it up, turns out there's provisions for a rear-facing radar on the current Su-35 in the tail boom, but Sukhoi has yet to actually install it. It'll probably be placed on a later model.
  19. The MiG-31M has an even smaller backseat window than the original version.
  20. I don't believe so, as the -35 is the first Flanker model to have provisions for rear-firing semi-active Vympel R-27 missiles. I think on the Flanker-B it is only meant for filling the space between the engines.
  21. So my PS3 is on its way, and in the space of a day, it has only gone from Laredo, Texas, at the border with Mexico, to Dallas. 427 miles, which should take about six hours, and its taken them twelve. I wish that they'd use the next day shipping for sending it BACK instead of the 3-day shipping.
  22. Exactly. The F-22's stealth means nothing if a fighter gets a jump on it(say, the NEW Su-35), uses an IRST sensor to track it through any clouds, then fire an uncaged heatseeking missile. And the Raptor pilot would never know what hit him. The only way top be "stealthy" in space would be to hide in the center of a huge field of debris, a la Macross Plus. And I've always wondered how awesome it would look if the SDF-1 charged its main cannon, folded into space right in front of a line of ships, and fired as soon as it appeared. In addition to the fact that the ships even NEAR the blast would be QWTFBBQed. Also, as an afterthought, maybe firing off a bunch of reaction missiles and Dimension Eaters would hide your EXACT location, and you could travel with the knowledge that whoever is pursuing you will get vaporized/sucked into the unknown. Another possible thing would be to use a low-vis paint scheme, shut down every single emitting system on the craft, hide in a lightless area, and hope that it'll turn back on sooner or later. COMPLETELY unrelated, but I just realized that if you tell Google Maps to give walking instructions across an ocean, it tells you to kayak.
  23. Fail. How exactly do you pull off a sequel to Blade Runner? "ZOMG MY ANDROID GIRLFRIEND GOT SICK OF ME AND CHEATED ON ME!"
  24. Well, of course, Shin couldn't do anything, because I believe the only atmospheric fighter to equip rear-facing radar was the old Su-35 Flanker-F/Su-37 Terminator. And since the SV-51 is based on the Su-37, that instantly makes it epic pwn. And Letigre, by the time the incoming fold is detected, if it's an SDF or comparable ship, then it's too late to do anything before the ship fires its main cannon.
  25. Haha, I'm sure those people know of REAL space fighters in service. [/sarcasm]
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