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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. What happened to this? Any updates?
  2. Maybe it doesn't have the waist joint in exchange for the longer landing gear.
  3. You split that waist joint and wedge paper or something similar so that it holds its position.
  4. lol and sweet, thanks for the link. can't wait for this sucker!
  5. Sorry, I didn't have a problem buying off of amiami through paypal but I live in the U.S. is it only amiami you're having a problem with?
  6. No its the same. Its the same lock on the valk. Its not loose tho...for now.
  7. Just got mine. It looks exactly like in the pictures. Blue/greenish tint. Can't take comparison pics atm. *edit The intake armor now has an extra piece inside that Holds on better when attached. Actually all the armor Stays on nicely even if bumped. The gun is darker too. The shoulders on the valk are not overly tight but still tight Out the box. I'm sure a few tranformations will change all that.
  8. After some time now, the tint on my roy 1s has started to crack. If I touch it, it will start to peel. Curious to see if the tint will last on the others. Also my valks are never in direct sunlight. So far all limbs are still fine.
  9. yep, the nose cone looks more like the 1/72 vf-25 which makes a huge difference. The down curve of the dx 25 makes it look weird in certain angles.
  10. Also, Graham, "assembly required" is nothing new so if it helps to break things up to be affordable for the mass prod' sdf, I'm sure no one would have a problem using a screw driver.
  11. Waiting for anime-export to ship my ve-1 still. Everything is already paid for and kinda left in the dark if they even have it in stock or waiting for stock, I don't know. No one has responded to my emails. If its not in stock and they're waiting, that's fine, I just want to guess an ETA so I know when to be home.
  12. Hmm if I were a competitor, it would be a good time to swoop in on this missed oppurtunity.
  13. Anyone get theirs from anime-export yet or even a follow up on it's status??
  14. I put ozma's armor on my 1st issued alto. Don't think there should be Any problems.
  15. An over priced fold vf-25 with no fold booster. That's great
  16. The 2 tone prototype looks awesome, it's almost like the 0-D. Anyway is there a different art pic that has the heatshield tan, instead Of orange?
  17. Sadly none of the DX figs have the trim. The back part of the 25-S's leg should be the lighter grey also, but....guess that's just how it goes.
  18. The replacement parts might be the super parts for ozma. They painted the Hip armor wrong but if he said 25g. ... never heard of it having a problem other Than different colored plastics and a striped missing on the swing bar.
  19. Great pics guys! The white plastic looks so good. Any stressed plastic inside the fusal lodge? How well does the chest hold together in battroid?
  20. I would say beta, but its actually continued to survive in the tv biz since it was created. Only just recently, we're moving away from it onto different hd formats like Hd betas, Hd mini dv, hd xdcams, etc... So I'll go with 3DO for going nowhere.
  21. I'm really just going to have to chalk that no bc statement to pr talk. Bad pr anyway. He Probably shouldn't be talking period lol. Sony says a lot things. They still want ppl to buy Ps2, its competing with the wii. Also even if they did release downloadable ps2 games, wouldn't the ps3 STILL need to have Bc emulation??? Reading dvds has never been a problem, just ps2 software on it.
  22. Understandable, but in all honesty I never play ps2 games anymore. I do have a few unplayed ps2 games and of course anyone with a library Of ps2 games has a ps2 anyway...ps3 has a lot of exclusives or a new sequel Of a franchise like gt5 , gow or tekken. I don't think bc will really be missed once You start getting new games imo. Eventually they'll add bc, but ps2 still makes money For them. Now I could be wrong, but until the ps3 can prove itself to be very succesful, expect the ps2 to be around for a while longer and no bc for ps3.
  23. batman sooo soooon woohoo! but, exclusive wise for sure you can add demon souls and uncharted 2, possibly gt5.... i keep reading gt5 is done and they're just trying to figure out when to release it. multiplats: tekken, assassins creed 2, mw2.
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