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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. This looks like its gonna be a hot item. If it does hotrod, it's Definitely a must import. His chin looks a bit long. Wonder if He'll have a hotrod face too. Now bring on mp galvatron!
  2. well, there is this part from one of the extras. I don't think it's all for nothing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ezak5ZNnA88&feature=related
  3. didn't boba and jango both bump their heads walking up the ramp in the slave I?
  4. Dammit, every year I say to myself I'm going to stop buying TF's after picking one up. I just bought classic thrust, wfc prime and bb, and mp grimlock. I just rewatched the cartoon movie today to make me feel better about the grimlock purchase. Now a good looking rodimus, galvy and cyclonus pop up! I have a few rodimus versions already, but none of them are really in that perfect form. Is there going to be an mp galvatron? I might hold out .... who am I kidding. Screw you hasbro/takara, you're like a crack dealer taking advantage of my weaknesses. so where does this 3 pack sell? target, tru, walmart? all of em? *edit nevermind, got the info.
  5. Ya that red vf-25 looks sick. So just to be clear here, the game part is pretty much a demo for a full game later on, right?
  6. The only thing that really sticks out to me that looks weird, is the small feet compared to it's bell bottoms.
  7. ooh 1 disc. OK I guess that's pretty cool. Can watch it in HD crispyness! Thank you!
  8. ugh, I'd totally import this if it had subs. Maybe I can get the game off of ebay later on. Btw, can JP BRs and ps3 games be played on U.S. ps3s?
  9. I don't know what it was exactly. Initially wasn't excited to see Meg. I I guess Meg came off very charming and worked with the audience despite the language barrier. It could also be that half the time she was backed by yokko. May'n was in no way bad, she was awesome I'm just left thinking more about Meg after the show.
  10. It was spectacular. I love may'n but megumi so owned that show!
  11. Wow great detailing there. Congrats on a job well done. I'm glad a couple MW'ers were able to get this and go beyond what yamato had designed. ...btw, can I have your job?
  12. oh looks like a broken hinge at the base of a swing bar. Here's what I did to fix mine: If it was a tight movement, take the chest apart. Pull the pin with pliers. (super glue for this part wont work, I've tried) Epoxy the broken pieces together and around the outside for support ). Leave it for a couple hours until epoxy is rock hard. You might want to sand the inside of the hole afterwards from the excess epoxy and to also make the hole slightly bigger so it wont be so tight (reduce stress) when you put it back together. Sand epoxy, doesn't have to be so flush because you don't want to lose the support. Put it all back together, and be gentle transforming it. Hope that helps.
  13. can you explain what broke?
  14. Awesome job! When the small one comes out, I'll be using your work for reference. I'm sure many others will too.
  15. isn't the ve-1 hardet to find these days? I say get the one most iconic to you. Oh doesn't matter, you'll get vf-1 fever anyway
  16. Ya, that was the guy on FMA, which I think was the only suitable VA for hikky with Texas's VA talent pool.
  17. not sure where to put this, but for ppl in so.cal, if you don't pay attention you'll miss it. (not talking about the movie)
  18. I'll buy whichever one has this art. The other fairy bell is weak compared to this. If neither come with this, how do you get it?
  19. Will the normal one come with the devil sheryl sticker?
  20. I prefer the rt actors. Monica Rial's misa is ear grating. Actually anything she does is ear grating imo. Mari as english minmay is cool and all but there was just zero chemistry with hikky. Yes, I have the animego set and have watched it all in jp. I do appreciate a good Dub tho.
  21. Agreed for a vf-25 v.2. They need to design it along with the different packs at the same time and test fit them before they even release 1 vf. Anyway, after further observation and transforming my 25s a piece of the swing bar broke. Looking carefully there were alot of cracks and clean breaks. The pic below shows the stressed joints in yellow and the clean breaks are in red. I spent the night taking it apart and trying to super glue them, but the tension of these joints were too much for super glue to handle. Had to go with epoxy which is what looks like the black goop on the pic. I didn't sand them down much for thicker support. So far now everything is holding. Funny thing is I've transformed my other vf-25' alot more and they're all fine. I'm not being a hater, I still like these toys, but knowing that they can do better, no more dx-25 toys until a v.2 comes out....if ever. (they have to sell something for movie 2, right?)
  22. quick P.S.A. Found these cracks on the wing hinges on my armored 25s. It's been on display in armored fighter mode for months. I think they got stressed being pegged into the leg armor. I say "cracked" instead of stressed because I can run my fingernail across the long one and can feel the plastic on different levels. The underside of the plastic is fine though. Hope mine is just a fluke and all yours' is fine. It's not too serious and still workable.
  23. Its a great toy and puts the 25 to shame. The gerwalk engineering still needs a lot of work. Yamato's design for a valk's hips to feet are so simple and perfect. Only othet gripe is the shiny plastic (I think that will never change ) ...and not so much a gripe but it seems small, but maybe it's the true scale... I dunno.
  24. You can. I put on the right gun hand and open left hand in fighter mode.
  25. Here's a pilot size comparison if anyone was interested. various "1/60" pilots. I had a hard time opening the cockpit and nobody want's to scratch it, right? Slip a corner of a piece of paper in there and it should give and pop open easily.
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