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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. My girlfriend and I were discussing Anne as Catwoman, and she brought up the point that Catwoman can be played as a strong woman. Not just trying to be sexy like purring or licking herself, no, more like...I guess Batman. Catwoman has to be smart. Anne isn't some small, skinny little thing either. If she had to crack someone's face, I'd believe it. Nobody knew what kind of Joker would come out of Heath, I'll put trust in Nolan on this one, and believe it won't be a rehash of Michelle Pfieffer or anywhere near Hale Berry. I got no probz with Picard's clone. He's always good.
  2. Ahhhh thank you!!! Had no idea that came off.
  3. Still slowly customizing mine, BUT does anyone know how to put it on the stand in attack mode? My brother and I have one and we have the same pieces for the stand, so I don't think we're missing anything. The instructions to attach it aren't making sense to me.
  4. I didn't get any email from amiami yet and I ordered when it was announced too! Now the site says backordered..
  5. Be sure to post pics when you're done
  6. Does it feel " satisfactoraly big enough" or more like "eh I wish it was just a little bigger ?"
  7. There we go then, another canon? Version. Personally I plan to lighten up the blue a little of the movie sdf anyway.
  8. Search for "ps3 media server" that's what it's called. I'm hard wired tho. Haven't tried this file wireless. I've noticed lag for streaming 1080 vids through wireless.
  9. Graham, If they sold the arms separate, that would be cool. I'd buy them. If they sold tv arms with movie body only, then no. If I have to buy the whole thing at that price point, would rather it be a whole new TV sculpt.
  10. kudos to you! I've tried 5 versions to get this to stream to my ps3 and have had nothing but headaches. Yours works great and easy, and your effort is very much appreciated.
  11. eh, I didn't mind the fan service at all, I thought it was enough...unlike stuff like ikki tousen which is ridiculous, just my opinion. Agreed that alot and probably too much is crammed into the movie. I was going to show it to my brother who hasn't had a chance to watch frontier yet, (he's a fan and has spent alot on valks too), but I don't think he'll understand what's really going on without watching the series, or at least care about any of the characters. I dunno, maybe I'll make him the experiment and see what he says afterwards...
  12. does anyone know the average ems rate amiami charges For a figma? Must have rei!
  13. I was excited for kos mos, but I've only played through the first game. Are her boobs really that big later on?? Wish they would make some claymore figures. I'd buy all of them!
  14. this is awesome so nice to see megumi with her hair down and not dressed like a pinata.
  15. Ya it did seem pretty steep, which is a little concerning when they ship out the sdf-1
  16. Don't remember, but I ordered the first night and my confirmation email says 26790 yen (currently $311.9651) So still not too bad.
  17. They could always sell the tv arms seperately. Too many drawing inconsistencies in the series anyway.
  18. well if anyone wants to make themselves feel better say to yourself "400 is better than $2000" oh well, this is top hobby priority!
  19. 2.22, 2011 so Not too bad. Hopefully eva 3 will be in theaters by 2012 or less. Trying to keep A yearly eva fix. Now regarding post EoE...
  20. been holding off on watching this until earlier today, but just can't wait anymore and OMFG!!! i looveed it. I love mari's quirky personality, and even rei is much more than a robot. Asuka's always been my fav character and...
  21. The pic is blurry. Is that a face mask?
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