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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. Don't forget that if you have more than one account, you can get all of them.
  2. According to hasbro, it's rodimus and rodimus prime. Do they not have "hotrod" trade marked? I might get this and paint the boots black. Those arrows look cheap.
  3. Is this a flash cartoon?
  4. Depends what kind of games you like. Uncharted 1 and 2 are discounted now. If you have an hd tv, get a br movie you like. Also there's: Gow3 Valkyria chronicles Metal gear Killzone Infamous I don't have move yet but have played it. The mini sports games are fun. I only mentioned exclusives cuz don't know if you have an box otherwise there's ssf4, Mk, tekken, etc...
  5. It looks great but sadly will have to pass to simply say to yamato that the price is not ok.
  6. It could easily be someone else to put the blame on anon but anon was stupid in the first place to brag about their first attempt. They should/ could help try to find the person that caused this mess before FBI comes a knocking.
  7. The kits look pretty cool. Will these be import only?
  8. Thor movie came out already?
  9. Does this kit only come with busted main guns?
  10. never knew this, thanks!
  11. Do other dvd/bd discs play fine? Test both formats. One of my ps3s had a problem reading bds but read dvds just fine. I jammed an air compresser in the slot and gently/blindly burst some air and the bds read fine after that.
  12. its funny that a mass effect anime movie is already in production and due out by 2012, while hg can't do poo with RT except show a hard drive. source
  13. Haruhi suzumiya. Omg, why did I wait this long?!
  14. Just watched the first x-men ep. Takes a little getting used to, but not bad. Mostly just an intro ep. btw, did I mention storm is hot?
  15. storm looks hot! Is this xmen going to air in America?
  16. Thanks totally forgot about this.(been too busy to keep up) Was that it then? Anything else macross related coming up?
  17. hoooooooooot
  18. Yea, probably cult classic. I saw it 2x. 2 of my friends liked it. My brothers hated it, and my gf wanted to kill me for taking her to see it. So it seems its a like/love it or hate it kind of movie.
  19. Really enjoyed it!
  20. LOL. Guess that should last them another 25 yrs since there's to put in there.
  21. Who cares about reviews? It's an action movie with half naked girls, guns, samurais, and a dragon. It's going to be ridiculous. Honestly what do they expect??? These guys should enjoy something for once and not sit on their high horse expecting everyone else to make them happy. It could be a confusing mess of a story...or not..I dunno! But I think its main attraction are the visuals. When I see this Saturday, my only expectation is enjoying some half naked action. Anything more then that will be a nice treat.
  22. dorothy is up on amiami
  23. Anyone get a vf-22 millia that isn't busted in some way?
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