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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. Is the prime voyager starscream so small because it's a prototype?
  2. He was good in game of thrones. Of course he wasn't speaking English, but was one of the characters I grew to like.
  3. I customize most of my TFs. Rotf leader is awesome. Rotf leader starscream is good too except the hands. Modding the wrists wasn't as hard as I thought. Dotm ironhide....good looking bot mode, but there are QC issues on these (glued neck, front part of the car which are his shoulders pop off too easily when you're transforming it), and limited articulation. Transformation is too simplistic and I expected more from a leader class. Basically, most of his robot form is under the truck and you turn him around and pull out the lower legs and arms. Don't have leader BBs or sentinel, can't comment on those.
  4. I wish they'd just make the shoulder plastic and the same engineering as the models. The upper thigh that connects to the crotch should all be plastic too. The weight of the diecast on the legs will eventually cause it to become loose especially with the way these are designed to transform.
  5. whoops I meant wheeljack, not ratchet. Lol I kept looking at the toy with his wrenches in his hands and kept thinking "ratchet".
  6. Looking forward to dino and sound wave figs. Hope they really are the car brands used and not some made up hybrid.
  7. You might be on to something. I wore my glasses in avatar and after a few minutes, I didn't notice any 3D. edit: then again, I have a slight astigmatism on my right eye. Dunno if that has anything to do with it.
  8. I think the crotch is designed like the model where it does "cave in" when transforming to jet mode so that there's is more space for the head.
  9. She's pretty good. Solid, doesnt fall apart. Comes with pero and a broom. You can put her in action poses, but its very undorothy like. Her 2nd face has her eyes looking slightly to the left. The joints are tight. Although her extra hands' wrists are a little loose, but not floppy. You can get her arms up higher if you slip her pointy shoulders into her body.
  10. I wouldn't say it's as solid as a vf-1 v.2 The design has too many angles and the back kibble make it awkwards sometimes when holding it. I'm completely impressed by it tho. It displays beautifully in all modes. The faults on mine are: loose shoulders in battroid. They wont hold the angled up position. The crotch swing bar only clips really good on one side. Going to have to open it up and see what's going on there. Die cast parts are the shoulder mechanism, swing bar, and ankles (there's alot going on in the ankles) I think that's it. ...if there was something I could nitpick at that was designed purposely, it would be the gummy head lasers.
  11. Still not 100% on this one, but ordered it anyway. Price is perfect discounted. Damn addiction!!! I hope they do away with the gummy ears like on the yf-29.
  12. I liked it. Seemed a bit too long, probably due to all the human scenes. More surprisingly, my fiance hated the first 2, but loved this one.
  13. i actually prefer alto's without super parts. Would rather have tornado pack if anything. Have a feeling they'd re-release again down the line with super or tornado packs like they've been doing.
  14. wonder if they're using the same gun. So far so good.
  15. Does the big ems package inspection apply to the u.s. too? Mines coming with 2 figmas which actually didn't save me any money because amiami just added the extra s/h1800yen to the 4000yen. (5800 s/h) Wondering if I've inadvertently delayed mine.
  16. To be even more technical, its a 3rd version of a valk that has near identical transformation. The stress marks don't look too serious yet. Good to see what I need to reinforce.
  17. Mine has been sitting in customs in L.A. I live by L.A. and I get it faster when it goes through customs in S.F!!
  18. size camparison with a dx25 please
  19. Now that is awesome! Big thank you!
  20. Sweet, xena and Gabrielle with guns.
  21. That's depressing.
  22. Release date, July? Not up on amiami yet. Roger isn't some kind of jp exclusive, is it?
  23. I really enjoyed it. I miss fun adventure that we used to have. Not everything needs to be like dark knight. Like, eriku said, it's reminiscent of goonies and et. The kids were great and the banter between them was chaotically realistic. It felt good finally walking out of a theater and not feeling pissed off because of some over pretentious envisioning of a comic or 80s cartoon. I honestly didn't even care much about the cargo. The dynamic between the kids was enjoyable to see. They could have been in search for the golden monkey for all I care. (and I came into the movie really curious about what was on that train since the first trailer.) *Shrugs* maybe I liked it because it reminded me of those times as a kid... When kids used to go outside and have real friends to play with.
  24. I read somewhere on IGN that it will be region free and backwards compatible for the downloaded psp games. Still have not been able to find info on the HD/Memory space it will have, but pre-ordered anyway. I'll finally finish old games with 2 analog sticks!!!
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