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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. I liked it. Jennifer delivered. Didn't read the books and wouldn't have known that it was from a book until someone told me. It was absolutely nothing like twilight, don't even know how twilight was mentioned in the same breath. I've seen battle royale 1 and 2. The concept did remind me of it. Regardless, in my opinion, story was ok, acting was great and kept me interested. I think I read in the credits that the author was also part of the screenplay. Also, of course they won't show kids graphically kill eachother, but you get the point when they do.
  2. Yes I have the same problem. I tried messing with just about everything in different positions and finally just left it as is. Haven't gotten around to really check if the neck plates are slightly different.
  3. This thread is talking about 2 different recent movies of the same title. Both probably bad.
  4. This is a prequel thats not necessarily about alien, but it is. Makes sense?. Don't pass on it. It's ridliey Scott who made alien so no one better than he, could make this prequel.
  5. Awesome work. Now I have a question for pacific rim that will not break NDA. Will macross fans get a Boner over it?
  6. Katana girl didnt bother me. Laurie and Carl need to die. Just leave boondocks alive, that's all I care about.
  7. I liked that he was pathetic. He got chopped in half, fell down thousands of feet and even bumped his head on the way down, and then got thrown in the trash. I think that would change a man. lol
  8. I get blurays of shows from amazon that I like which is pretty much from funimation. If you're talking about unlicensed anime...good luck with the bootleg dvds' subs. There's the option of importing them from Japan, but 95% of the time there are no subs.
  9. Although... Jango was not mandalorian. He only wore their armor. If I recall, the mandalorians were a lil bit upset by that in the clone wars cartoon.
  10. just saw the news too. damn, he IS an inspiration to all artists.
  11. I'm glad I was able to secure one, but it still pisses me off with how ridiculous it is to not be able to get something that is still on pre-order. 5 min windows...really??? and I thought TF hunting was a bitch.
  12. OMG, i was just about to close ami's window and decided to refresh one more time. My heart skipped a beat, but I got one....
  13. I seriously doubt it will come with any armor anything. The pics look like finished box art too. *edit ... I do wish to be wrong tho'
  14. lol are we all spamming amiami and hlj's search button tonight?
  15. I love ventress too. So much happened so fast in this ep, so I hope the rest of this story arc is just as compeling.
  16. I would like to see updated animation to SDFM after seeing what was done for that pachinko game. If any anything it resparked my love for it. Sure, it's not necessary and if you don't agree with it, the original is still there for you, but I think it would be fun to rewatch vf-1s' in the current animation style and also not have color inconsistencies.
  17. I still enjoy it. Haven't had much time to play due to work.
  18. Arcee does have wings on the show at least. I'm down for foc shocky.
  19. Finally scored RID, cliffy, soundwave, and wheeljack. Trying to get an employee from target to pull it out the back was like trying to get into the FBI's secret files... Still would rather have FE Cliffy, but oh well.
  20. Sorta good news posted at tfw about the first editions. Hasbro may release them later.
  21. Ugh, found a target with the deluxes but manager gave me street date runaround!
  22. Got them in so-cal. Rowland heights target. Had to ask for them using dcpi numbers. Only one new case for that Sunday morning. No deluxes. :-( I think target isn't supposed to put them out yet, but I know the scalpers run rampant around here. TRU in Rowland had one prime rid bb. *edit: There's no "grey". If you mean the abysmal brown? rust? color, yes, it's textured too. Arm can pop off the shoulder from ball joint, but a pin as the elbow joint connects the bicep to the forearm. There are screws holding the white plastic on the forearm that's around the translucent purple.
  23. At work atm, but will let you know as soon as I get back home. Which will be 10 hrs from this post. Maybe someone else can answer beforehand. Haven't had the chance to inspect the rest of the fig's textures.
  24. I had to give in despite being angry at the TFP FE cancellation. Did some repaint to TFP RID OP. (i refuse to call them powerwhatevers) Sorry for the crappy pics. Only had phone on me... Started with the silver on Meg's chest, but you can see the color comparison and texture detail on the plastic.
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