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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. Took me a few minutes to get use to Robocop, but thoroughly enjoyed it.
  2. Check out the latest and greatest bat figs http://www.toyark.com/news/dc-toy-news-5/batman-play-arts-kai-images-from-tokyo-game-show-2012-6491/
  3. I've notice all the TF sections in target, walmart and tru shrunk by a lot lately in my area.
  4. guys, ht cat woman is up for preorder now
  5. Wow... Sucks.... R.I.p. big guy
  6. at first I thought it was some knockoff batman, but then saw CN and english voices and really enjoyed the animation.
  7. Oh Thor~ you don't have to accept every script that lands on your coffee table.
  8. At this point you should just make the whole body and sell them as kits :-)
  9. Plot was weaker, yes, but Kate saved that whole movie for me and made me like it. Also I liked the sets and fx.
  10. Since we're all hot on batman, can someone help me identify this? It's not 1/6 of course and was supposed to be the mattel tumbler with 3 button electronics. Now as far as I've seen, there's only been a purple and a black one, but I got this from ebay today, and the picture used was the purple one. Well...this is black and has one button. It has the clear plastic where lights would have been, with rubbery tires. It's not a problem that it's black, I was going to paint it black and customize it anyway, but I cannot find any info on this version.
  11. surprised no mention of enterbay's 1/4's bat figs. I really dig the way they did joker's hair, but 1/4 is just too much for me.
  12. isn't it gunslinger girls
  13. should put a spoiler tag there
  14. I like the look.of that thing. Reminds me.of a tachikoma when It's rolling. Also that chick is hot!
  15. I wish hot toys or some other company would release a 1/8 or 1/7 line of accurate sculpts to compete with play arts' " all thighs" versions of DK. It would be funner to have a smaller size with vehicles for those of us limited in shelf space.
  16. OMG to everything you just posted! catwoman!!!
  17. That's crazy, where do you live?
  18. Saw it again. I can understand bane better in a different theater this time. Also I was wrong in my earlier post about how some things happened. My brain just put things together differently the first time I saw it.
  19. Ya I think the mask doesn't let him breath through his nose very well.
  20. Is there a site that specializes in separate HT heads? I have the first joker they came out with but doesn't really look like Heath and I'm not down to spend another $300 for v.2
  21. AH I see! Thanks, that makes total sense.
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