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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. Order other things and eat noodles to save for said things.
  2. The legs and wings lock better together on my alto, but most all the joints and panels are tighter on my 30 anni'.
  3. How much a movie makes means nothing to me, while yes, it did/is flopping.
  4. Looks closer to the original movie design. SAC major was way hotter.
  5. Well I'm not gonna put on a tin hat, but I won't be blind to the one vendor that has excess amounts when everyone else is sold out.
  6. Lol maybe NY is the one buying out all the vendors.
  7. does NY flex the final price according to the exchange rate at the time?
  8. Put an order in just in case I "need" it. It was a hard struggle between this and waiting on a deal for a vf-17D/19. Can't get over how beautiful the color is. So need some opinions, I have the white 171, but no versions of the VF-17 or new VF-19(s). On a tight budget...I don't generally collect repaints except for VF-1(s). Which is the best bang for the buck? (VF-4 is out of the question for now)
  9. Hmm, maybe the next kingdom hearts will have star wars characters in it.
  10. Not bad, it looked liked Mel as a small picture, but you can definitely see Tom blowing it up.
  11. I've read the spoilers and still mega excited to see this. Sometimes it's good, especially for eva, for a layman's breakdown on what's going on.
  12. Someone mentioned this game for space combat, but here is a video from the dev about it.... STAR CITIZEN
  13. Oh that sucks he's not available for shiping anymore. I paid $130 total ( taxed with free shiping), should come in Tuesday.
  14. mp10 at toysrus.com now! better hurry.
  15. Does not like my country
  16. Got mine today from AE. Qc wise, a small yellow smudge on the white plastic next to the wing. Luckily was able to scratch off most of it with my fingernail. Fighter mode doesn't feel as tight fitting as my red one. All the joints are decently tight in battroid including the missile bay doors on the legs...for now. We all know they will get loose sitting in one position, but it is what it looks like, and am satisfied.
  17. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-RBT-2444&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords%3Dvf-19f%24pagemax%3D100%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1
  18. watch mac plus movie for the oh so sweet added animation of Bowman's fight.
  19. I don't know where to put this. We don't have a 1/12 scale thread. http://www.hlj.com/product/MEDMAFEX-2
  20. actually they're smaller so they "could" fit in there Anyways greats pics of everyone's figs. After I got ffxiii-2 lightning and her foot problems, I was totally disheartened. However my re-addiction to batman stuff led me to arkham asylum batman, and I was blown away of how fun that figure is. Since I'm an articulation whore, I think I'm giving up on hot toys for now as these are much cheaper and way more pose-able, the inaccuracies are forgivable. Bummer I missed out on Solid Snake. ...of course if a company made articulated and accurate sculpts in this scale, that would be GAME OVER!!
  21. The arkham city old, fat batman, is based off the dark knight returns skin, which I agree is TOO wrinkley. I'll be getting the rest but undecided on AC harley. Glad movie batman's head looks like it was scaled up a little bit, but definately ripping off that cape and giving him a cloth one.
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