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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. I asked NY to change my preorder to yen, but the yen price is more expensive (18890) than what they currently have now (17000). Do I ask them to cancel and reorder or are they going to adjust it later?
  2. They canceled mine too. Weak....
  3. I didn't notice any campiness. Personally I'd consider this an alternate take on the same subject instead of remake or reboot. The director wants a crossover but Bruce is denying. Who knows in the next couple years. http://spinoff.comicbookresources.com/2013/04/04/wc-13-will-evil-dead-cross-over-with-army-of-darkness-2-alvarez-wants-it-campbell-says-no/
  4. I loved it!!! The guy next to me was holding on to his girl friend and jumping at everything. My wife had her face covered 90% of the time. I was laughing at how crazy it was getting. I was not high, just really enjoying it especially after recently watching evil dead 1 and 2.
  5. Thanks for the reply guys. Let's hope they can get some.
  6. Anyone have some insight on angolz for being slow? I ordered a vf-22 gamlin on 3/31. Its 4/4 now and the status still says "collecting item. In progress" Now I see that they're all sold out, does this mean they're trying to obtain stalk or are they slow as hell looking in their warehouse?
  7. Dammit my 19s has been sitting in customs for 5 days now!
  8. Damn you guys, had to bite on the 19s deal lol. This is going to be my first new 19 (was holding out for a new yf-19, but well..y'know) Gonna have to pass on the 171 CF now. (I have the 171EX) Please someone tell me, the new 19s is a way better choice.
  9. Just saw it. Wow such a great movie.
  10. Well it was a good run. Off the top of my head, need to tie up what happens to maul, ventress, and Rex.
  11. lightning, it looks the same as mine. Note that only the plastic piece slides. Maybe try loosening or taking it apart and see if the metal bar is too tight or something.
  12. Hmm looks like Arcadia has articulated rei and asuka figures in the works. Wonder how big they are. Will they be competing with figma?
  13. re: season finale...that was intense, great ending for the season.
  14. Got mine today too. Both sides are stuck? Try a little bit of bending/twisting/wiggling. That's what I do for stubborn parts.
  15. that happened to one of my 1/60s. I pried off the white piece that holds down the other end of that clear plastic. It enabled me to get that other piece and carefully glue them together. After that assemble it but use just a little super glue for the white piece that holds it down in case you need to redo it. I don't force the canopy all the way up like the other ones that haven't broke, but it does open up pretty well already.
  16. That article was desperately lame.
  17. Wel its confirmed that its not exclusive to ms, but will be on ps3 AND ps4 with exclusive content for ps4. I like the word play they use for this game, but cmon, its an mmofps.
  18. Ugh, I was sitting on whether to get a 17d w/ armor vs naked 17d last night, and this morning I check Ami and the 17d w/ armor is sold out! Since my choice was made for me, I got a naked 17d coming.
  19. They're not bad sculpts at all, but maybe over-armored to what I'm used to. Maybe would like batgirl more if her nose was exposed like her regular mask. Have you notice the better knee joints on most of the new sculpts? *edit: Now it would be really cool If they did a Batman Beyond in that style.
  20. I think I want wonder woman, it's not so crazy like alternate batgirl, GL, flash and batman. Really curious to see how man of steel turns out.
  21. I WANT SO MANY! http://www.toyark.com/news/toy-fair-59/toy-fair-2013-square-enix-play-arts-kai-figure-images-7275/ http://www.toyark.com/news/toy-fair-59/toy-fair-2013-square-enix-play-arts-kai-figure-images-part-2-7276/
  22. Just finished watching this and it wasn't that bad imo. Better than all the rest, still bad, but NOT THAT BAD. lol, It was enjoyable. Anyway, got to wondering how they keep making these movies? Then it dawned on me that these are kinda like the cheesy live action super crazy Japanese movies (no offense, I love them). After looking up some numbers at boxofficemojo, it pretty much confirmed my theory. They don't do so great in the U.S. but japan makes up a good portion of the Foreign gross. That's for all the RE movies too. So expect plenty more of these RE movies. As far as I understand it, these are only for theater sales, not DVD/BD. Some quick numbers below for this movie: Budget = 65m Domestic = 42.3m Foreign = 179.4m (Japan contributed 48.3m)
  23. Young justice isn't listed either too bad that's unable to go on any other channel.
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