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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. We are in the same boat.....probably literally. Same message since March 3rd. Absolutely ridiculous. I emailed NY about it. Hopefully they can make a phone call to the JP post on their Monday.
  2. I don't own any toynamis but was the crumbling plastic isolated only to the alphas?
  3. Damn... Mine is still in Osaka, anyone else? I don't mind waiting but I'd like to see some movement or progress...last time I try to save a few bucks in shipping.
  4. I guess that's a fair price after a quick look through of eBay. I've never seen a figma TV asuka. ...its funny we complain about a 9" toy going from $60-80 but its OK for a 5" toy to be $50-60. Granted figma has less QC issues and excellent sculpts.
  5. Would you say that springer and blitz are better than tfp shockwave?
  6. Just watched it again. I truly appreciate it more and the tone it set.
  7. Didn't get a shipping notice yet. Ordered day 1, but opted for slower airmail.
  8. I expected it since its about the same time the series went to hell, my wife hated it. But its Eva and I'll always love it even if it pisses me off lol
  9. Good. it'll be nice a break after all the batman and superman figs this summer. That GL is still UGHULY. Would love a proper batgirl and supergirl.
  10. Whatever makes me happy...
  11. Notice her knees are ball joints. Looks better than the usual tho.
  12. As a public service, bane's QC issues have f*ckd me. Shoulder peg broke and torso keeps popping off the ball joint. I can fix these...but I sure as hell shouldn't have to. Now as another public service:
  13. Quick crappy scale pics with AA batman vs DK batman since no one on the internet thought to do this.... AA Batman is a step behind the rest of the figs in the group pic. He doesn't really feel that small in person compared to the DK figs.
  14. Eva just had sex with my eyes.
  15. Looked at all the same photos from various websites for the superman fig and scrutinizing trailer 3, there is no texture and the silver/metal neck line looks wrong on the toy. Unlikely they'll fix it since they haven't really fixed anything from when they reveal a prototype to production.
  16. Can't tell if sup's outfit has any texture because of the low quality pic. It looks ok. I don't have a decent superman fig yet. Zod, looks very good. The main con to all this is, is that S-E continues to test their consumers with yet another price creep.
  17. very nice work....as usual. I'd say make mp10's thumbs because they pop off really easy, but I got so desperate I sculpted one out of epoxy. There are probably other people that have lost his thumbs too although not as cool as the weapons you're making!
  18. Ah OK thank you for clarifying.
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