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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. I blame Ridley too, he does have the ultimate say so on what goes and stays.
  2. she was hot in pandorum I would accept her as a wonder woman too. She's got strong features. I don't care if she's only 5'6.5.
  3. no. However, it only takes a few execs to say they want it like that. They could always shoehorn them together in some way. I think Zac would rather have a different batman tho.
  4. The toy looks too thick I don't think they needed to bulk up the base body so much.
  5. Just be happy it's not immortals. This looks like it could be good and entertaining.
  6. Audience rating is 97% Most of America has not seen it yet. What does this mean? Absolutely nothing... "Remember Brandon Routh from that godawful Superman movie? Jesus Christ! Thanks for getting our hopes up and taking a giant sh!t on us!" - Ted (2012) Was that supposed to be a "professional" review? I pretty much expect what you said in your short review, but be fair about the composers. Both Zimmer and Williams rehash, it's their style, now that I think about it.. most probably do. Refer also to Danny Elfman and Alan Silvestri as examples. Now... better than the originals? I'll have to wait till a midnight show, but, I will guess better than superman 2 and up. Both version of 2 even, the director's cut was awful IMO.
  7. I'm confused. Whos POV are we looking through in this trailer? We see big boss trying to be revived. now horn head/bot arm snake is....who??? everyone is calling him big boss, but if we're looking through his pov, we are looking at big boss... and @0.55 (I think it's Kaz?? don't know) looks over to "you" and says "what about him?" so the cam isn't just shot f'd up like that, it's a POV.
  8. So are you just going to keep yours or send back to NY? I think I'm going to just keep mine and hold out hope someone makes the missing part on shapeways one day.
  9. If lindelof is anywhere near star wars, i'm just not even gonna bother with it...and I am a huge SW fan.
  10. Batman can do it just like he does in the JLA toons. (Definitely not Nolan's Bman) Use lots of gadgets and outsmart the enemy. No meat head kryptonian has got the twisted brain "mr. contingency plan" has. Now... OH MY GAWD, I'M LOSING MY $HIT WAITING FOR THIS MOVIE. ...please don't be like IM3 or ST2
  11. saw that. totally meh about the whole situation. Is he playing naked/boss in Zeros as well as the hook hand snake in Phantom pain? Hayter tweeted about being excited at E3 for something.
  12. eventually they'll be out of print and all gone. be patient.
  13. It is irritating, but you have to keep in mind, the peace of mind for paying a slight markup and not worrying about it anymore...that is until bandai's QC fails you.
  14. I plan to rent this for the sake of watching sci-fi. I don't care about the Scientology references or whatever, it's not like some movie is going to change me. I'm not supporting it at the theaters because Will isn't a big draw for me these days and Jaden riding on his dad's back is getting lame.
  15. I like the sound of that ending
  16. It's a bay movie and a couple bots will be forget-ably killed. Better it be hound rather than bulkhead.
  17. Has anyone else read the film's digital prequel comic? It's written by Goyer (who also wrote the movie) so can't just say it's fluff. I'm so excited for this movie whether they go into what comic eludes to or not.
  18. From the chain of emails I've gone through, you don't get anything back, not even a discount if you opt to just accept the busted toy. You send it them, then they send it to bandai. From there, bandai will replace it, send it to them and then NY will send to you...so a GIANT HASSLE. Not even willing to exchange one from their stock. Glad I have no interest in the RVF-25 and super VF-27. Their QC is horrid.
  19. can someone please make the piece under the cockpit of the VF-171 CF? y'know the part a couple of us are missing. Trying to get the part requires the hassle of sending the whole thing back, and from there, they send it to bandai, etc... it will take forever to get the valk back with no guarantee something else wont be wrong with it.
  20. They will not respond, you have to contact them again and they will tell you to mail the item back on your dime so they can send it back to bandai. Up to you if that's worth it or not.
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