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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. This seems like the most logical way to make it PT.
  2. Ugh, I just notice the black NUNS plastic is missing a chunk of plastic! Thought I was slightly lucky to not have those pieces broken too. LOL triangles broken, NUNs broken, and missing torso piece. Any kind souls (in the US) that have an armada and just going to leave it in plane mode, willing to send me the torso piece that is under the cockpit for $10, PM me.
  3. Well then, I guess they are just stupid then, but even if there was only 1 batch of optimus(optimi?) and rodimus, they stayed up for order a good day or two the second time around.
  4. They have restocked on rodimus and optimus (only ones I cared to stalk) a few weeks after being sold out the first time, so my hunch says soundwave will restock after the initial wave is shipped. Hasbro would be f'ing stupid not to make more.
  5. Me too. Almost glad it's 1 per customer. F.U. scalpers! Down side tho, no legitimate backups for anyone, unless they want to go through the trouble of different name and address etc. At least we all get one.
  6. I'm starting to get excited to see what he looks like. That tail is huge compared to the helicopters.
  7. Saw it again in IMAX 3D. Very fun experience! Glad I saw it in 2d first because there are some details that would have been missed just because of the way 3D force the foreground and background.
  8. well, the head is different.
  9. The tabs are on the inside of the wing root. You can lock it into the raised chest. Just massage it to the correct angle.
  10. Ya would like to see their faces better
  11. The snake looks really good so far.
  12. hope she comes with a helmet. sadly the worst sculpt is superman unless they could at least add some texture to his outfit.
  13. For Faora a fans! for Jor-el fans?
  14. lindelof re-wrote the ending so not gonna touch this.
  15. Everything Roland has directed or produced has been pretty meh, IMO. I only liked ID4 when it came out because at the time it was one of the first movies to blow sh!t up and look good doing it. The campiness was fun between Goldbloom and Smith, but then the president goes off flying a...what was it F-18? really? lol Looking at IMDB, ID4eva has 2 parts.
  16. wonder if this'll be shiny.
  17. Neca sculpts aren't bad for the size, but articulation sucks on most everything they put out.
  18. This film garnered absolutes in love or hate. I think I love it because sups never left me through out the years. I've been into DC characters and still watch JL, JLU, YJ, etc about every other week. I've seen all the DC animated movies. I have not delved too much into comics except for batman stuff. So by that info, they have shown a lot of sides of superman with really great stories. The blue boyscout is old news to me. In this film, Clark did not know how to be a superman. He's learning and I appreciate the seriousness of an alien being picked on all his life and not being allowed to smash your face in. Sure it could have been edited better, but I also appreciate the chances that Zack takes. Bryan Singer made the safe superman which was almost a direct copy of superman 1, look what happened there. I walked out of that movie liking it, but a little bit underwhelmed because I'm tired of Lex trying to gain property, and he has a kid...what? Lois and Clark got cancelled for that crap (sort of). I've always wanted to see a live action battle in the city and I got it. People saying it was soulless or robotic... I don't get it because I felt the emotion. In the end, I think half the people wanted what they've already seen or the last memory they had of sups was in the 80's. I could go on and on, but in fairness I can understand some of the arguments against and some I just disagree with. We're not gonna chance each other's minds anyway.
  19. Crap. Thought I was done.
  20. I'm under the impression that it caused the same tired arguments and if it's not there, maybe RT will just go away... One can dream. I only posted this because I know some people like robotech and it was bound to be posted anyway.
  21. no, they are worse. good luck!
  22. for anyone that's interested... *non edit..can't fix title lol.
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