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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. ordere'd both Mikasa's! She's too bad ass to pass up.
  2. If M&M were in the Empire, Vader would have never known Luke existed. The falcon would have been wiped as soon it was in their cross hairs. *Nice colors on the tie-fighters.
  3. anime52k, I wasn't clear in what I said earlier. I know that there will be many different types of gamers playing mgs. I did take a jab at design too. I'm not even talking about objectifying women. I'm saying that he is part of development for games and it is unwise to make negative comments amongst the very industry he works in especially regarding a game giant like Kojima. You never know what you'll be asked to do next or who you may end up working with. I work in the entertainment industry, everyone talks crap about everyone, but we sure are not dumb enough to tweet it because there are egos, big egos that can pathetically, unfortunately blist you.
  4. No, it's not his game, it's not his market, it's not his audience. I could say halo gear is impractical too, but I don't make halo, play it, or have anything to do with it. You wont see me call an industry filled with "man babies". There's a million designers out there with a million opinions, he aint special.
  5. Young and dumb. He needs to get off his high horse.
  6. Finally opened sups and zod and yay, zod's right shoulder snapped off. I have it all apart now attempting repairs. Meanwhile, watched a review on wonder woman and she is freakin huge like the MGS scale. Really sucks because I wanted her to fit in with the rest of the Playarts DC line.
  7. Finally rented this. Horrible IMO. I usually find some kind of enjoyment in these kinds of movies but it was a mess.
  8. Nice! Its too bad WW didn't get an alt hair style. I've yet to open sups and zod.
  9. Hope so cuz that looks pretty weak. The comic sentinels look lame too so I hope these look threatening and aggressive. I don't want it to feel like giant iRobots
  10. Was checking out the 6inch figs and they look freakin awesome. So tempted to get at least darth maul, but I know if I start, I'll end up buying them all.
  11. "In its likeness" like classics Jetfire and any new molds and colors to resemble Jetfire.
  12. GITS season 1 and 2 were dubbed in Cali. If Funi has it now, they will probably use their Texas VA pool.
  13. I liked the isolated story overall, I hope this affects wolvie's future stories somehow. Really liked Yukio too. Comments IMO
  14. If hasbro settled to get them out of their hair, what happens to future jet/skyfire releases in its' original likeness?
  15. Just an fyi, the secret ending is not really secret as it comes on about 30 seconds after the credits role. There is nothing after the long credits.
  16. The tapes are pretty awesome. My SW's right hip is extremely tight. Feels like the plastic is going to snap. Will have to unscrew and see whats going on because it clicks, but the left side is just tension tightness. Whats the single silver piece for? Do the caps for the pile drivers connect to anything?
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