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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. slackers! more pics here - http://news.toyark.com/2014/08/15/hot-toys-arkham-city-batman-fully-unveiled-135854
  2. This thread was very entertaining. Thanks everyone!
  3. Its to make it look like a few ppl there are actually working.
  4. I would buy that as I honestly can't listen to the adv dub even if Mari redid Minmay (I couldn't hear any chemistry with that love interest)...now on the other hand just leave the original songs in japanese with Mari's voice.
  5. Bw could just call it Makuross for international to watch a stream. It would sound exactly how they pronounce it.
  6. Even if it was made, if Korra can't stay on the air, this series would be impossible.
  7. They are totally ripped from transformers and rebuilt them with bizarro glasses. I've fully accepted they can't make a good looking original mech after seeing gundam parts on a ship. I can only assume someone said to go for design that people are "familiar" with. To be fair, macross is still using jets and tanks. Destroids haven't changed much from zero to frontier and that's what macross fans are familiar with. My complaint is how ugly TO ME they look. No matter what they come up with, it will be a mash of mecha references without kawamori street cred.
  8. Eh, I think Seto has been very informative on HG's background. Regarding their mechs, IMO, they look ugly aesthetically, but nothing new about B2's, jets, drones, tanks, etc. I was genuinely interested to see the continuation of robotech with RSC....and I can't remember a POS TURD movie I've been so embarrassed and pissed about buying. That marked the end of my fandom for RT and the realization of incompetence that is HG. I'll freely admit I want this to fail to get a new creative team to do something without relying on past material...And of course stop claiming everything MACROSS. Never going to happen, I know, but I sure do get a sick pleasure in their failings. Oh and please, no high horse comments, we're all fanboys of something.
  9. http://www.nickandmore.com/2014/07/23/nickelodeon-pulls-five-legend-of-korra-premieres/ Panic mode activated for book 4
  10. Was gonna give the ship design a pass. Yes it's not original, a space battleship is gonna be a space battle ship, but wow...slapping that gundam shield/sword on the back of the ship is so facepalm worthy.
  11. It's really disgusting how they keep pushing Carl's name around like that. 'do it for Carl, it's his dying wish' -that's the vibe I get.
  12. Agreed, this outfit would have been preferable; not sure which ep the pic below is from:
  13. I still think there's going to be a few die-hards there that will put in all their savings just to make the goal and say "told you so macrossworld, FU".
  14. sorry if someone posted jibo already. just saw it today. http://www.myjibo.com/
  15. I had that little sucker. It was awesome.
  16. Idk. I could say I enjoyed the other movies but this one managed to tick me off as I was watching it. Maybe because I was paying attention to it.
  17. Just saw it... I can usually find something to enjoy from bad movies to give it a watchable pass, except this one. IMO it is worse than Rotf. It ran way too long (almost 3 hours) focusing on really embarrassing, badly written scenes. Shots were a mess. Bots are not there, then suddenly they're fighting. Did they have to throw in every sound byte from John Goodman? Even the dinobots and a pony couldn't save this. There were possibilities to return to points that were introduced but never happened. Not even going to buy this on BD. Its a mess and I'd be surprised if the general audience doesn't get a clue that the next bayformers will not get better.
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