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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. TUMBLER https://mcfarlanetoysstore.com/lucius-fox-tumbler-the-dark-knight-gold-label-vehicle-mts-exclusive/
  2. Thanks, also do you know if you can cancel a preorder from them? I've got the modoking 1/12 model rumbler on reserve and just trying to weigh out the cost differences.
  3. So around what time does McFarlane put stuff up for pre-order on their site?
  4. well I got FOMO'd on rogue. ordered from NIN-NIN. checked out as Yen with 1-2 week air parcel. total bank charge $83.06. https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/mafex/128750-mafex-no-242-x-men-rogue-comic-ver-medicom-toy-.html i just paid it up front now as who knows when this will actually be released and what the exchange rate will be. still less than hlj before shipping.
  5. Looks cheap and inaccurate but w/e I’ll have to take it. It looks like gold label so exclusive to where?
  6. I was hoping this would be the one Rogue to rule them all but while there is no definitive face for her, this looks off. I mean it still looks ok, just off. And is there really not another hair option? That’s kind of a deal breaker for me.
  7. Somebody needs to mix all the different upgrades to make the perfect prime. Still waiting for TW-1030 to arrive. It’s too bad the shoulders weren’t fixed on that one.
  8. My immediate reaction was WTF Is this generic trailer and song? BB is basically Toad from Mario bros movie and something about Megatron I don’t like. Maybe it’s his face, lips, attitude but his voice doesn’t match in my head even for a younger version. I realize this is not G1 continuity. It’s bumblebee movie continuity which we know there is no real continuity in these movies. They want that Mario bros money, fair enough, but I don’t think this will get it there. We’ll see. Anyway my 5 yr old daughter was laughing with it. She is probably still too young for the intended audience, but she’s seen some G1, prime, BW, and watches rescue bots so she knows who’s who. She wanted to watch the trailer multiple times. My wife is not a big TF fan, but she knows I am and thought the trailer was great in that you can finally see a more relatable side to Optimus. As she put it, Optimus is always out of reach. He is an authority figure that you looked up to, but you never really knew him.. he’s the boss you don’t know how far you can tell dirty jokes before he fires you. Which I’d argue is a good thing. Anyway I don’t want to get deep into how he’s millions of (now) men’s robot dad. I already accepted that everything I loved growing up will be destroyed or $ht on. I feel like Danny Glover “I’m too old for this $ht” I don’t like, but I don’t want to spend time and energy hating it. I wont spend money or time on it. That’s my general attitude towards current media.
  9. Finally a wolverine with the articulation I want but not the wolverine I really wanted. Since I don't have this iteration, I guess I'll pick it up and have to wait until they get around to brown and tiger stripe with this articulation.
  10. I was more of a Blue Thunder guy , but anyway, back to KITT....$50 for a deluxe???
  11. Amazon links Ecto TF https://a.co/d/2Y7HQf6 Turtle TF https://a.co/d/6E8hz3h
  12. I've always loved Dragonball and have been binge rewatching everything this past month. Even fell down the shf money pIt of figures. I think he was involved with the upcoming Dragonball daima anime. This really sucks. RIP.
  13. I just painted detritis and calling it a day. ya the paint chipped transforming it, I'll touch it up when I get a star on right side with maybe some more details and never transform again. The mold is kinda meh anyway.
  14. well, at paypals conversion it was coming out to $340+ so just set it to pay in yen and let CC bank convert it. bank says $327.31 instead.
  15. ya it's gonna bug me, i'll probably end up painting it.
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