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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. Not sure if everyone is aware of this, but according to this site, articulated 3.75 figs are walmart exclusive. http://www.actionfigurefury.com/articulated-3-75-inch-star-wars-black-series-action-figures-now-wal-mart-exclusive/
  2. Quick mafex darth Vader review. I can't take pics because he's already packed up. ( moving this weekend). There's at least 2 YouTube reviews so you can see the articulation and unmasked head. they missed some features. The mask is actually 2 tone mimicking the ANH 2 tone. I haven't done much digging as to why it's 2 tone. I'm assuming it was for the sake of defining the shapes of his mask for film so not sure if you can see it on a video review unless they really zoom in on it.. The chest guard is a little long but it's to cover the mid torso joint. He can look down by giving him a little ab crunch. The top helmet can move a around a bit because it's a round peg that connects it with his head. The chain is molded into the chest guard however I think it works well and doesn't detract from the overall look. The cape has wires on both sides for poseability. He stands pretty good in height next to a 6" black series fig. Lights saber is really nice and can clip onto his belt. It feels sturdy. Not like the the gummy ass rubber plastic light sabers that hasbro uses. I opted for this one over the SHF because I wanted the height and a burned head option and it has exceeded my expectation. Imo the mask sculpt just seems the most accurate of the other variations. I'd recommend this version for anyone that wants to display it against the black series. It kills the hasbro 6" vader.
  3. How did he get the head lower or chest and shoulders higher where it actually looks right? That's my main gripe with this mold that keeps me from buying it. *oh nvm, they're add on parts. looks great tho.
  4. http://www.threeifbyspace.net/2015/10/attack-on-titan-season-2-preview-video-leaked/#.VhEoG3pVikp
  5. Bandai
  6. Matt. Type cast for being stranded on planets.
  7. Negotiator

    Hi-Metal R

    ya everything i have is 1/60 besides the monster, but I need an articulated egg in my life.
  8. Negotiator

    Hi-Metal R

    2:36am pst, HLJ GO https://secure.hlj.com/product/BANN01899/Act
  9. They look great. Thanks for sharing.
  10. just saw this. damn amazing! will be watching/
  11. 7. No and I am less likely to purchase an Arcadia product in the future due to the pricing and/or general direction of Arcadia. I would like new valks of course, but I got the first version and can't be double dipping like that. Made an exception for the 0D, but Arcadia is pricing me out of their range.
  12. Pretty sure they'll release all the same characters with new sculpts and more articulation over and over again like they have been doing for the past 30 years. Just wait.
  13. There's a knee swivel joint!??!!
  14. Tom will probably want to jump on a missile to manually guide it to its target.
  15. Antman is a lot of fun with a fun supporting cast . Better than ultron. Totally agree with A7's list.
  16. To be fair we all know what the next bayformers movie would be like. I understand if someone doesn't like a movie from a grp of people the first time around. Their expectations for a sequel from the same group of people would be pretty low too. I'm ok with Zac's take on it so far. I've always wanted Sups to be humbled down to a human level and not an all powerful alien that pretends to be human. I think that's why there are always crossovers with Batman who is probably the most popular comic book character of all time, he is there to always keep Superman in check.
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