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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. I really have to know how she was convinced to take part in this.
  2. i'll give it a watch.. why stop now? what's wrong with leather pants and shoes? Not boots....SHOES! J/K, always hated the costumes. I don't think Singer can make good fight scenes, even in DOFP especially the china scenes, everything looked like it was on a small set. The handling of colossus has been UGH!! Everyone sucks at fighting. Every other superhero movie can kick the singer verse X-mens' ass, well except for quick silver, which is Zack Morris levels or pausing reality.
  3. Woa. Sold for one of these
  4. Loved the first 2 eps.
  5. bottom line, there is no green light for Gits without someone to sell tickets.
  6. I meant it as, i don't know. damage control is very possible. I don't know anything about the movie except i'd prefer it to be dark. WB is VERY reactionary which is irritating. I honestly don't think that reshoots will make difference on how a movie turns other than making it flow better. Most movies have reshoots, they are scheduled for it, especially marvel movies. So I'm not saying I believe in one or the other, just stating that Ayer has responded to it, and most people are not aware of it, since it's mostly overshadowed by the initial rumor.
  7. nice, he should take chewie's crossbow
  8. lmao! Anyway, the director and actors have already said, they went in to shoot more action. Some people in the know have said, there's already alot of funny in the movie and didn't believe they were doing reshoots for more "humor". So do you believe the people who are involved in making the movie or someone else spreading rumor?
  9. Sony has direct control of spider man. Marvel will be helping with the next spidey but at any time, Sony can screw it up with a decision they want. All the spidey parts in civil war had to be approved by Sony.
  10. i'm all in to see how major black widow turns out. it's all about the script. make it too complicated and everyone is gonna bitch and cry it didn't make sense. simplify it and everyone is gonna bitch and cry it's not Gits. w/e. i'm watching this sh!t.
  11. Gonna watch it soon. Does the character dance piloting a robot?
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