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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. wow the sac head on the arise body works. wish i had ordered the arise version. If anyone is interested, they're releasing their model figs too, which i kinda like better over the shf versions because of the face detail.
  2. i just watched cap 1 and 2 again. Chris can carry that humbleness, sadness, selflessness, heck, loneliness, compassionate heroism, convincingly. Can't imagine anyone else but him to be cap. you can tell, his character is always thinking.
  3. it was a fun movie....maybe too fun, i can't remember laughing so much in a fight scene, and that right there is a problem. There are no stakes or sense of a danger. Bvs could have used a lighter touch but civil war could have darkened up a bit. Imo winter soldier is better at taking itself more seriously. This is a fun ride and everyone was great and "fun" especially spider-man and ant-man. lol FUN is the best word i could use to quickly describe it. There are certainly things that it is not tho. Cant say yet how it tops other marvel movies, need to digest.
  4. i need mumei figma NOW
  5. Just check out the f-14 scenes. Its short, but the guns do sound the same. Nice footage also. Can't say much else good about this movie lol. Re: the yacht that was blowed up...Why would someone that can't swim be on a boat in the ocean???
  6. there's a lot of panel to screen scenes. Also I can't see any other reason to drop kara zor el on earth thousands of years ago other than to be the 1st mother of all metahumans. http://imgur.com/a/mMCZm
  7. i like boobs. the pink ranger had a skirt too so.... The mouths are distracting me. The legs and arms are too busy.
  8. Kabaneri and delta. I'll check out ajin soon. Sounds interesting.
  9. That's been a theory floating around anyway. I don't think you can really surprise anyone with anything for something like star wars, especially a star wars fandom who do nothing but speculate every possibility. Its like game of thrones where there's only so many outcomes and reveals that can make sense with what information and rules the past has given. To try to force something for the sake of a surprise or twist would be noticeably worse creating more questions than answers. SW will never live up to anyone's fan fiction floating in their heads.
  10. is this going to be glossy?
  11. Negotiator

    Hi-Metal R

    wow that sucks, someone get on them shapeways
  12. I hope in all future movies, every role is gender and race switched with a transgender actor. If they cast Zandaya, (sure, why not?) people can't say she's white, but will they say, she's not black enough to play Alita? LOL
  13. Hey nice work! Even though it's robotech, a job is a job. It sucks you didn't get paid, I know what that's like. Thanks for sharing!
  14. it's back and alive:
  15. haven't like their new 52ish incarnations lately and the latest justice league vs teen titans is cringe worthy. The batman stand alones are ok, but nothing like they used to be.
  16. i would have loved Rhona Mitra, but she's getting a little too old now. She was so hot in doomsday. Disagree with the girl from Pacific Rim. She looks too "soft" imo
  17. Excited, i never read the killing joke, just know about certain scenes. kajnrig, you should watch: Under the red hood, The dark knight returns 1 and 2 Flashpoint paradox
  18. they can be good for customizers and from what's posted above, reference for artists that can range from practicing to artist short on time and don't have models to pose for them.
  19. ok those guys too, couldn't remember their names lol See they're cool with it! I always looked at anime characters as just cartoon characters designed to have characteristics not so much a nationality...UNLESS its very specific like an old time samurai story, (not alternate fantasy world) with japanese names and traditions demonstrated in the show/film. In the case of Motoko, imo is just a name in a sci-fi setting that's in Japan and does not demonstrate anything really Japanese about her or her environment. I have to rewatch them all, if I'm wrong, but it's not something that ever stood out to me. ...ps. Im asian
  20. Medicom really going after the American market..which is good since mattel and dc collectibles have been churning out garbage.
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