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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. Guilty too. I enjoyed the 1st and 3rd one...sorta. That was in the hopes that it was the last and would be rebooted. but that's not saying much lol. Its rare that I'd start thinking "wow this is garbage" in the first 20 min for TINO4 and proceed to punish myself for the rest of the exhausting 3 hours. Don't even care about this prime or it's ridiculous autobots. Reboot or new director, PLEASE!!!
  2. I'm wondering how close they'll start looking at Ryan Johnson's work now. JJ was safe as he's good at mimicking his idols.
  3. That would be horrible. Maybe they want to inject part of the fun formula in it. Only seen monsters and Godzilla from Edwards. They were both serious. A different tone in star wars is fine by me but I'm not an investor that needs the most returns and people want the "feeling of star wars". Wasn't this supposed to be more of a gritty war movie?
  4. Reshoots are normal for just this kind of thing. You don't know what pieces you're missing until you start putting it together. Every marvel movie has schedules reshoots.
  5. Yes! she was wolverine's "robin". Just rewatched dofp rogue cut. It's better story wise. Apocalypse, is more "fun" i guess, but to be honest, would like to see an extended cut for more character interaction.
  6. the most powerful figma to come:
  7. wow, it really is moving along http://collider.com/battle-angel-alita-rosa-salazar/
  8. lol both, especially if you have to go to places that charge higher for missing out on amiami and hlj.
  9. you'll look like your avatar if you try to get them all.
  10. lol that's pretty awesome. I don't see Patricia Ja Lee *sadface*
  11. I wont get to see this until the 27th. Screw x-men, already saw it.
  12. It's very dangerous. I thought I had quit after yamato's v1 1/60. I was satisfied with what I had until my brother got me a ver.2 vf-1a.. It was all downhill from there and haven't stopped collecting newer valks. I'll help you. Mirage sucks! Waste of money, it will probably have exploding plastic and paint will scratch off easily. Backwards tampoo prints. missing parts.... Nobody should preorder Mirage.
  13. oh i have to get Mirage by default being a Jenius and all. Her colors on the Dx are so nice when you can see it in comparison to the others. Not to say the others are bad, but hers just "pop" more for me. *edit and 03 is looking nicer than I'd imagine also.
  14. I MUST have 04 mirage and 31A. 02 would be a nice bonus if i can get a preorder in.
  15. ugh, this is gonna be rough
  16. Just watched the latest ep. I think it's kind of like star trek. They're going to be on that train going from point A to B, but encountering new lands, enemies and problems on the way.
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