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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. Yay new cavil superman. Still no Keaton Batman...
  2. Ugh so late to the party on this one. Got a PO in at entertainment earth, but when I first clicked that Amazon link it said would not ship to my country which didn’t make sense. I’m in California. After a couple tries it now says unavailable. Did the Amazon link really work yet or I missed it on Amazon.
  3. No big square head lights! Not movie accurate!
  4. mine took a dive from my desk to wooden floor because I was careless when I swung my chair around. It did blow off a few pieces but found everything to put back together. nothing broken. The bad part is that it got a stress mark on the right wing tip right at the bend, but the GOOD part, is I heated that area up with a hair dryer and after a few minutes, the stress mark disappeared like magic!
  5. Got these a few days ago but immediately started to try to take apart wolverine apart. Note* you cannot pull his torso apart. I'd guess it's the same for all the marvel legends with that type of articulation. Any way that process of heating up the figure I lost a claw. Fortunately old credit cards are useful for need of flexible plastic. I remade a claw as best I could and painted them all silver. But I like the fig. Looking forward to brown and tiger stripe wolverine with this articulation. Hopefully wolverine from the Deadpool and wolverine will have a diaphragm joint too.
  6. I have ms-02 ex. what is this one? it's bigger than MS-B46 Light of Victory and smaller than ms-02.
  7. Got mine from nin nin also. Only have time to check the head laser and it's straight.
  8. Why can magic square do better at a smaller scale? Pretty disappointed at that back pack.
  9. It was bring arts line that released the nier figures. They are kind of smaller compared to a Figma. Figma seems to have more anime proportions for 2B (bigger head/hair). I have version 1 & 2 of 2B, this one is tempting tho.
  10. I don't have ML so this would be cool. Please post links as soon as you find them.
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