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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. the model looks sturdier than i thought...unlike the vf-25 kits. Might pick up more kits for delta then.
  2. haven't seen it yet, but Schnepp, who has been vocal about how much he didn't like bvs, has turned around with the 3 hour cut. spoiler review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSI2w1Q_PXk
  3. I smashed my vaders helmet down causing it to form a slight button on the tip of the peg. Now it sits lower and doesn't spin around. Can't say same results would be for everyone else of course. You could clip the peg a little bit and add some future to thicken it up as an alternative. I think the size of the head is in proportion to the thinness of the body imo but it could use a little more bulk overall...just a little. The height is great to fit in with the black series. It's the only mafex I have until the bvs figures start rolling out. Waiting to see how suicide squad turns out also before preordering those.
  4. Fine, I'll start it. Here are some upcoming mafex figures All can be found here: http://news.toyark.com/subline/mafex Didn't post pics of the older Batman or Spiderman because I think those were before they revamped themselves with better sculpts. Star wars 2001 IRON MAN DC UNIVERSE
  5. The reporter for collider that went on the set visit gets pretty detailed on the scenes he saw. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaCRpO3uK-8 *edit As he's describing everything, I cannot wait for this movie!!
  6. I don't know guys, Cheryl and Blanca look like new characters.
  7. The cowl was capable of doing that in bvs. I remember watching the tech of Batman somewhere on YouTube and the designer said lenses slide down within. They never showed it in the movie.
  8. ok, someone tell me how they did the facial animations (except olaf) on this ride. skip to the ride at 2:10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m72hUu6eObE
  9. Most importantly, toys. I know they woud not be in tru but web shops in the states would be less gun shy about importing them. Bandai could produce more than just for Japan and maybe we wouldn't have 5 second pre-order windows. That's not even an exaggeration.
  10. Curse you night shift!. Oh well. Btw there is a lot of justice league news. Can find Alot of info on collider. I'd post a link but it's always weird linking to them.
  11. Alot of reaching in that piece.
  12. Pretty sure it's intentional. In an interview, the show runners mention robotech a few times as being one of the shows to impact them growing up.
  13. motoko is aslo on sale right now at hlj.
  14. Sure you're not thinking about the crashed ship the lions trashed. Because that's what it was supposed to be....if we are thinking of the same thing
  15. meh doesn't matter. You'll never see these versions. Good or bad. In the end fans will vote with their wallets. Pretty tired of the reshoot fear mongering. I'm sure it's great for hits.
  16. Has anyone started watching this yet? So far got past the first 3 episodes and I'm interested. Seeing how it matures before judgement. I love Rhys Darby as coran.
  17. if you can be healthy and do that, great. the promos/ marketing suck, ok, don't waste your money on it. I'm giving it a shot because the other movies the director has done were surprisingly really funny to me and these actors can be funny too imo, not because of the marketing. but as danth has said, look around, the hate and anger is undeniable.
  18. I dont get the absolute hatred for this movie. Ghostbusters 1 and 2 still exists along with it's related cartoons and games. Its not erased, it's still there frozen in time because no one is touching them. Look Bayformers sh!t all over transformers, but G1 and BW (the ones i liked) are still there for me to look at whenever I want. These things can never be changed....unless you're George Lucas and try to make you forget original versions, but no one else is George. /rant not to anyone in general Having hatred or anger over a movie you haven't seen IS ignorant because you factually do not know anything more about it other than it's appearance. Not interested? Don't like the actors? You think their ugly, unfunny, or for whatever reason is fair enough, fine move on. Put your time in something less poisonous and negative. Don't watch it, smile when you hear it does poorly at the box office or hear of bad reviews. You can pat yourself on the shoulder and say "I told you all so"...but that's all you can say if you never bothered to watch it. Alice: through the looking glass, looks dumb and not interested, but not on a crusade to post how dumb it is because how the hell should i know? didn't watch it. No one asked for this version of Ghostbusters, but the original group and co could not get their sh!t together when they could have and now it's too late. Egon is dead and Bill Murray does whatever Bill Murray do. /end rant
  19. To be honest, whenever I'm at a theater and the ghostbusters trailer pops up, the audience is laughing, and this is when watching different movies.
  20. ya but you know jar jar would crawl out of the rubble after that AT-AT's legs' give and collapses on itself, because hey, that's jar jar's dumb luck.
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