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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. i'm watching this for the lore now. gave up on engaging story telling a long time ago as well as any good valk action.
  2. Ooh. Sounds cool. I'll upgrade to that next
  3. i like the shape of tak megs better. must have it.
  4. hmm, as soon someone who uses both, i think manga studio is more equipped for the purpose of manga/comics as well as a more fluid, natural feel and control with a tablet. Tools for tone shading, 3d models you can rotate around and use for reference / trace even, cities, towns, chairs etc, cuz why waste all your time trying to get a chair's perspective right when it's not the focus of the panel. i end up using ps for touch ups, filtering, etc. If you're familiar with PS, watch a few manga studio tutorials and see how they're using it, maybe it's something you could be more comfortable with. Its not hard to learn it if you are familiar with PS.
  5. It's. $5 with commercials. $10 without. Lol. I'm sure there are plenty of ways to watch this for free but then it will probably be 1 season. Then again paying a sub with commercials is already BS and likely some millionaire's brilliant idea to F the fans for more money before it's cancelled.
  6. Negotiator

    Macross figures

    Good point
  7. was just rewatching this and lol is that QT-KT? *edit - ok, just looked it up,, technically it's R2-KT,, which is essentially the same droid, but designated QT in clone wars to avoid confusion with the "R2s"
  8. yes, pull out the nose...wiggle it if you have to, but the worst that can happen is if the nose comes out completely , which is fine because that's a feature... just slide it back in along the rails.
  9. Noticed some people don't have this mold yet. Even though the prices have gone up, get it! You won't care about screws or what color they are. This is still the best vf-1 mold out there. I love all 9 or 10 of my vf-ones'. Would have bought more if I could.
  10. he should have filled the holes tho and some sanding on the seem lines for that much money
  11. can't wait for this movie. and thumbs up for hope man!
  12. wow, thought the right photo was a pic of gal until seeing the shoulder joint. great paint work and hair.
  13. I want to watch it but affraid I'm going to miss the theater run due to scheduling. Will rent it most likely but before it goes to Netflix.
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