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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. Oh I mean how many times hayate went up since its initial PO.
  2. i would have missed it. just happened to come in from work and check my phone (that was on silent!). it is concerning how little P.O. window has opened for messer compared to hyates.
  3. got it! gonna be an expensive month w/ mp megatron and a helluva s/h with the 262 also
  4. i like the broken thumb lol and how he gave up lining everything up in the end. If you have the model, it's really not that crazy and you'll be used to it pretty quickly.
  5. You may be a harsher critic than I am but I came in for some monster action and got it.
  6. Fun movie. Funner than Jurassic world imo.
  7. arghh!!! i don't want to see more, BUT I WANT TO SEE MORE!!!
  8. it wouldn't make sense to tell her any real info including her name if they are going to lie about her identity from the beginning.
  9. It's was a great movie. That little girl was impressive. Superb acting for all of them.
  10. why do early pic say ichijo? will there be a macross version of this?
  11. hey it's looking great. will definitely give it a shot when you release it!
  12. nooooooooo dammit
  13. he looks like a kid in a halloween costume. the shoulders could be a hard thing to do on the brown outfit, but a little texture/ lines/ stitching....something wouldn't hurt on the chest and as far as i recall, he never wore shorts.
  14. That wolverine looks bad
  15. Their trailers are always so good
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