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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. Can anyone scan the sticker sheet and post it please?
  2. Well that's what people asked for and WB is too reactionary imo. Even tho I enjoyed JL I would love to see Snyder's cut. But to be honest I don't think it would have made any more money. Talking to some people that aren't up on the drama that didn't watch JL was because they think it was going to be too dark like BvS and have no idea about the director and tone change.
  3. oh noooo that's how i got my last couple of valks. Rip
  4. gonna add elfman's score in the beginning was kind of distracting for me. Did not notice it later on. i wish zimmer and junkie's music was mixed in more. really liked the amazons
  5. Oh my! for a sec I cursed this for being to big but realized it's small and should fit in with my figmas. Preordered! Didn't know there was a 1/12 line.
  6. Ya material and tolerance wise they are hit and miss. Glad the 2001 figures are a hit. Tempted for the new JL characters but gonna wait for reviews this time.
  7. looks like homage to the reboot games, loving it! hopefully it's not executed in a silly way here.
  8. maybe it works like an rpg stat. "chance to evade + 10%" or it was on cooldown lol. most likely just not to make him too OP.
  9. it looks to me he displays spidey sense in civil war. 22 sec in. he know's somethings coming at him from behind and says "oh god".
  10. Nice sculpt detailing on megs. I'd probably grab it if it had a waist swivel even tho didn't watch the movie.
  11. The art style is all fine and good...for other subjects. It's not capturing the essence of the characters. You can do very different styles but still should represent the character in the show. Its not a reboot or retelling. Nothing has changed for those 3 in robotick. Artgerm did not stray so his is a good rendition imo.
  12. I like the concept of being your avatar. Potential could be very funny.
  13. Time period is somewhere between 1914- 1918. Probably closer to the end.
  14. R.I.P. Batman
  15. Fox news. They'll make your brain melt. Really happy to hear ppl accepting her as WW. I liked her in bvs but was a little worried about her carrying a whole movie. Her and Chris really worked out great
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