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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. I got the first batch te-01 and batteries were already in the gun. Don't know how many ppl got it that way. Also got the 3p arm cannon for Megatron with English voice chip, batteries included too. Both from tf-direct. Maybe I just got lucky??
  2. Who cares about Amanda. Anyone can whisper. But no Tiffany???? This is blasphemy!
  3. Wasn't able to see it in the theater and they are only showing it on small screens now. Wish I could buy the bluray of this already.
  4. where's The Rock?
  5. finally saw this. the art style, story and characters were all pretty good!
  6. keep an eye on http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/feature/pm_Bandai20190301gunpla
  7. got 1 from anime export http://www.anime-export.com/product/43244 just fyi for new ppl. it's pay upfront
  8. yep i think i missed the hlj one too if they're already done taking orders
  9. crap site. sold out while stuck in loading during checkout.
  10. I hope Amazon pulls thru for jetfire and Springer. Torn about BB movie Optimus. I feel like a 3p company will make a better one.
  11. I like this treaser a lot.
  12. Finally read the article. I got excited at the idea of Scott being the bats. He could kinda look like a younger batfeck and can already kick ass. Its too bad wb will just pick a bigger name.
  13. Surprised if this is true. He's relatively unknown but I like some of his movies. Isn't he getting up there in age too? Hope he has the acting chops for such a big role.
  14. Aw man. That really sucks. Happened to me for something else a while ago. And seller disappeared. Automated paypal kept takiing the sellers side because of the tracking number he gave. A PayPal CS said they'll give the money back after they give seller a chance to respond again...but he gave tracking again and they gave let him have the money again. Finally I just filed for unauthorized use and the money finally came back to me. I called CS and explained again what's going on and thankfully the rep just said " ya it's fine. " and she closed the dispute. Had some hoops to jump thru but ended ok but pain in the butt because of these types of sellers.
  15. Looks good. Clearer pics
  16. https://hlj.com/nier-automata-bring-arts-yorha-no-2-model-b-version-2-0-enx34139 Dammit too soon! Head sculpt looks a lot better.
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