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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. i want one, but WTH is going on with that windshield?
  2. Every time I see " we got this covered" gotta role my eyes.
  3. i think i like the light blue version, but maybe it's the helmet that really bother's me. maybe a custom classic head would make it better. the gold feet should probably be black. I don't doubt the team would eventually redo all the characters with their classic look.
  4. lol, but oh maaan , not digging this design. what's going on with his torso? have we reverted back to marvel ab crunch? nvm, i take that back. he most likely have the ball waist too.
  5. Has anyone had any problems ordering legends from target and walmart? I tried gwrring something from bestbuy and they sent me the wrong figure because all the sku numbers are the same in a set.
  6. careful buying these when they hit stores. i suspect people will do returns stuffing in the original figures in the boxes.
  7. heh, this cover got me into comics as a kid they should make a figure of this, and while they're at it, make firestar too..yes been rewatching spiderman and his amazing friends.
  8. only if feloni is fully in charge. dont need anyone elses fan fiction of who ashoka "should" be.
  9. Ya same boat. I don't care if the PT were badly executed movies. They were alot more fun and Imaginative than the ST. ( except tpm but we got darth maul out of it) clone Wars and rebels are like secret seasoning to make the PT more digestible for me. TLJ and TROS were dysfunctional bicker quips fest. Alot of yelling with the worst grand plan I've ever seen. IMO. It ends with return of the Jedi for me.
  10. Finally caught up. Wow. Great characters. Beautiful fight scene. Oh how I've missed star wars.
  11. nice, thanks alot. transcraft's BB looks great. wonder if they'll ever get off the ground tho. ordered TE's BB to scale better with mpm3. would definately pickup transcraft if it's not too expensive just for bot mode alone. i get what you're saying with mpm4 being a little small compared to the cars. is that op above this one? https://showzstore.com/pre-order-weijiang-mpm04-black-apple-optimus-prime-oversized_p1224.html oh and toylab's op looks good too. if anyone was curious about toyworlds op.
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