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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. Sigh, well, I let the ship sail. Great collector piece for who's getting the razor crest.
  2. sweet! must have asuka's Dynaction. hope these things are good quality.
  3. Much respect for mr. Connery rest in peace good sir
  4. Waiting for mine still. I hate that plastic they used. Going to get a full repaint too.
  5. YEP, by 2 or 3x as much.. i'm debating if i should get it myself.
  6. seems like some of the walmart exclusives with ashoka are showing up.
  7. https://www.target.com/p/transformers-generations-war-for-cybertron-earthrise-voyager-wfc-e26-thrust/-/A-79621341#lnk=sametab got all the 86' and thrust. i'm happy. surprised thrust is still up.
  8. i only wanted zartan and viper out of these. i'm not digging firefly either. someone please post if zartan pops up on amazon. I have him POd, but pulse takes forever to ship something.
  9. are any of these announced today exclusive to a store?
  10. took less than 10min to get these deagles out. heat it up, work that scalpel between the trigger and holster on both sides then work from the bottom of the holder to where the front of that trigger rests. it's the harder part, but it's possible not to damage anything...i did drop some rubbing alcohol in there. not sure how much it helped.
  11. looks really good too. gonna assume the SS G1 figures are not under earthrise or kingdom because they wont be in the series???
  12. https://news.tfw2005.com/2020/09/20/transformers-studio-series-86-hot-rod-in-hand-images-419887#images Looks good
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