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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. proper ring size for the studio cell unicron. https://showzstore.com/in-coming-01-studio-armor-ma01-upgraded-planetary-rings-for-cell-unicron_p2959.html
  2. Not hunting down any more target exclusives. I can live without them if I never see them. Viper looks cool tho
  3. nothing from AE yet. I'll post as soon as they tell me. uh Fast Shipment (15840 YEN) Economy Shipment (15840 YEN) what happens if i ask for refund or try to get my CC to do it? nvm, i read the faq. 20% hit. hmm
  4. yes, that's it. links at the bottom of every item. i guess so, i'm not keeping up with shipping news.
  5. i dont know yet from dhl...still waiting. I was only looking at the japan post rate chart and basing it off packed weight.
  6. DAMN S/H is pretty high from AE. would have been cheaper total to order the dynaction from bbts.
  7. Just FYI. The Walmart Ashoka actually arrived today from Walmart. The TFs are still in limbo but this should be some good news for those that preordered
  8. looks like its just huffer, inferno & dinobot for me. was really hoping magnus would have been different like siege prime to ER prime.
  9. Ugh. Wally sent me a msg saying. Soundwave. BB. Elita1. Ashoka all backordered. Delayed.. Target is saying same thing for thrust.
  10. dang nice deal.. ugh spent so much money in the past 2 weeks. maybe one day
  11. Flint looks like, what imagine the punisher SHOULD look like. Maybe i'll customize one. great to see females with double jointed elbows, i dont think it was necessary if they wanted to get more than 90 degrees, just had to sculpt the bicep area more accommodating for those single joints like SHF or mafex
  12. I need a TDKR old superman
  13. Oooh. Hope ventress is a wide release.
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