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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. the promo pics at hlj for mpm-12 prime still has the cat ears....that is awful.
  2. Damn..forearms are a deal breaker for me after 3rd party has already figured it out.
  3. I don't have siege mirage so I'm getting this one. I suppose the grimlock will go to the kids if it doesn't grow on me but yeah it's a shame mirage isn't a better mold.
  4. https://hasbropulse.com/collections/new/products/transformers-generations-war-for-cybertron-kingdom-battle-across-time-collection-deluxe-wfc-k40-autobot-mirage-maximal-grimlock
  5. I'm waiting on fate rider v2. (Medusa) PO to pop up at some point...
  6. Is koska's helmet removable?
  7. I went in for the Ark (sold out at the moment now), galvatron, rodimus, & tracks. Curious for those outside of california/LA county, are you taxed this much? This is for the ARK. Subtotal $159.99 Shipping $0.00 CA STATE TAX $9.60 LOS ANGELES COUNTY DISTRICT TAX SP $3.60 CA COUNTY TAX $0.40 LOS ANGELES CO LOCAL TAX SL $1.60 Total $175.19 USD
  8. Thanks. So pulse sends me link to hasbro CS. From there we do a live chat and identify the toy. Unfortunately inferno is out of stock in their warehouse. The rep offers that the warehouse team pick out a transformer of equal value for me. I was like huh?? What if I already have the toy that they pick out for me?? Anyway from there the rep offers me a return/refund and emails me a return slip. Note their warehouse inventory is not the same as pulses inventory. I guess there's not much they could really do at this point as far as a proper replacement.
  9. I was excited to get inferno today until... ...just my luck. Sent a message to pulse help, and preordered on amazon just in case hasblow can't help.
  10. LOL. i truly hope this is just some photoshop foolery as i don't have any kind of galvatron yet.
  11. Ugh. Unless the spoiler can move forward some more, the cab is not going in any further. And that's disappointing.
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