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Everything posted by Fadooski

  1. Mi aprecio por Macross se resulta de mi desencanto con Robotech: the Shadow Chronicles. Como secuela era muy desilusionante. En este momento salio Macross Frontier. Al gustarme este serie decidí a hojear las otras entradas de Macross. Encontré un mundo ficticio done no desaparecieron los Zentradi (genocidio por copyright) y donde el significado de 'protocultura' no cambiaba cada otro momento.
  2. True, but there are links between them that, in the movie, could be the basis for more interraction. They're both from Macross Galaxy They're both being used by Grace They've both been modified: Brera is a cyborg and Sheryl has the type V infection It looks like Sheryl role in the Galaxy Conspiracy will be more clearly developed in The False Diva than in Macross Frontier. Brera may well be taken out of the Ranka/Grace bubble in aid of that development.
  3. Wouldn't it be cool if Pink Monsoon were a cover of an unreleased Sharon Apple track!?!?!? Isn't that one of the ingredients of Sheryl, though? part Sharon, part Bassara, part DYRL Minmei and a tonne of awesomeness? Sheryl has always had that aspect to her. edited to add:- Okay, i just listened to Idol talk and there is a similarity to Pink Monsoon. Idol talk is more fashiony though (If it hasn't been used on the runway then it should be), and very early nineties. Both songs are very electro-stylish.
  4. So far I'm excited about the following: 1) New songs (Pink Monsoon especially, Sheryl needs more mid-tempo songs). 2) New footage (obviously) 3) Alterations to the reused scenes (Some of which implies that the story will play out very differently) One thing that hasn't been considered is the script. How different will the dialogue and Narration be? Obviously, the second movie will take the story in a different direction. Since we got the feel good ending in the series, maybe the films will veer towards a darker ending, for all we know. So I'm excited! And my enjoyment will depend of how new the False Diva turns out to be. I heard somewhere that the False Diva will only be equivalent to the first 7 episodes of the series. Is this officially confirmed? Or Is the movie really going to try and condense all 12 or so hours of Macross Frontier into a single film?
  5. Very well-written! It's so refreshing to see a character deal with unrequited love in a positive way.
  6. I've grown to love Macross II over the past while and one of the best treats of the OVA is it's main heroine Ishtar. The novelty of having the main singing protagonist being an alien as well as her distinctive look is allw ell and good. But what I love the most about Ishtar is her personality. She is by far the most earnest & sincere character in the entire Macross franchise. Once she confronts her situation (being stranded on Earth with a Pulitser-hungry journalist) she opens up to everything around her. At first it's over whelming but, quickly enough, she's energised and transformed by all the culture that she's been missing. When she watches Wendy Rider sing For Now A Friend( a lovely song I listen to almost daily) the delight on her face is infectious. Best of all is her response to Hibiki and Sylvie's relationship. She's clearly saddened and disappointed at not being able to have him the way she wants, but rather than be embittered, she moves forward looking towards the rest of her life and the project of reforming her culture. She cherishes her connection with Hibiki for what it is (a transformative friendship) and lets go of what she wished it to be. Of all the things Macross ii had going for it, Ishtar was the best.
  7. Good point, but that could just as easily be applied to the Protoculture. This is a species that existed for hundreds of millennia and spread throughout the Milky Way. We often assume that the Stellar Republic civil war had two factions but there may well have been hundreds. The conflict described in DYRL that split along gender lines may only have been one particular conflict within a longer and more complicated galactic war. The thousand or two fleets that Exedol mentioned at the end of the film may well have corresponded to as many factions. 'Protoculture' is simply a label applied by sub-protocultures (humans, zentradi, zolan and others) to describe this ancient dead culture that's known only through a few artifacts: ASS-1 our beloved Macross AFOS, the angel or bird-man the zentradi themselves :their language, combat manuals/last orders and the knowledge of their Archivists Ai Oboeteimasuka, the murals/cave paintings on the Zolan homeworlds the temple found in Macross 7 (albeit destroyed by the protodeviln as soon as it was discovered) the various protoculture ruins refered to in the begining of that one episode of Macross Frontier. (Ranka wasn't paying attention to the teacher anyway!) This might seem like a lot but it's likely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to who and what the Protoculture really were. The various remnants may have been completely different entities that had very little in common with each other outside of a common ancestry: the people who built and later abandoned the city atlita the people who visited Mayan island and passed on the adapted version of their culture to the locals whoever built and sent the AFOS to Earth might not have been the same as whoever created the Mayan Island people The Anima spiritia who sealed away the protodevlin Any remaining protoculture who merged the various Zentran and Meltran fleets and faced down the supervision/inspection army Any brainwashed protocultured people in the ranks of the Supervision army. So we can assume that any protoculture contact with sub-protocultures would have been very very individualistic and idiosyncratic. We're already seeing the Human-Zentradi UNG becoming more and more like the protoculture: spreading throughout the galaxy, with each colonization fleet becoming more and more autonomous and the UNG's sphere of influence grows. Maybe by the time the stellar republic civil war broke out, the protouculture had become so distended that there was no over-arching connection between them. Grace's master plan was sold as a solution to such problems.
  8. I should preface this by saying that I've haven't seen all of Macross 7. I should also disclose that I don't like Basara. I think of how Sheryl incorporates elements of DYRL Minmei, Sharon Apple and Basara. One of the reasons I didn't like Basara is that he came across very self-centred. He never sings to anyone, he sings at them. He tries to force people to be affected by his music. He's also narcisistic in his dealings with the rest of Firebomber, to the point of being unprofessional. Showing up to gigs on time and making it to rehearsal often seem to be too much for him. When Mylene quite reasonbly gets upset at this, he ignores her. Sheryl has the same agressiveness that Basara has, the same ballsy stage presence and even a simillar refrain. However, she is a professional. She takes the 'work' aspect of her art very seriously. Even at the end when she's generating fold waves against the vajra, she still applies that strong professionalism. I don't know, I just feel like what they were trying to present with Basara, the did better with Sheryl. She's certainly easier to take.
  9. I, too, love the last ten episodes of SFDM ("season 2" as it were) because it allowed for some of the most understated mature writing in the macross franchise. The Misa/Hikaru/Minmei triangle is so good because the various relationships shift over the course of the series. The writers did an amazing job of carelfully setting up the characterization and motivations of everyone involved so that the audience is absolutely clear about where each oerson is coming from. There is no bad guy here, just three poeple trying to live their lives the best they can an move forward from immeasurable tragedy. As for Kamjin, I thought of him as an element of chaos threatening the fragile attempts at rebuilding post Space War I. He represents the violence and instability at the heart of all Zentradi as well as the human capacity for conflict. He also show us that not all Zentradi are the same and thata the power of culture (as represented by Minei's songs) has it's limits. He's not a 'Big Bad' so much as an unpleasant warning that even when you think the worst is over, it often isn't.
  10. Misa's uniform makes her look a bit like a commercial pilot. Not that tha's a bad thing! She looks cool, in charge and it fits with the colonization mission.
  11. Now that I think about it, Hikaru and Misa probably did have sex. That last kiss as the SDF-MACROSS arrives is very intimate, like they're already lovers. I think the sex, if it did happen, is just a symptom of the intimacy that they'd built up between them. For a while they were the only two people in the world. Rank was meaningless. Their false perceptions of eachother were replaced with more understanding.
  12. I voted for the Tv series because, at the end of the day, that's where it all started. The core of everything Macross is SDFM, it's the standard by which we measure every other entry in the franchise. Telling the story in 36 episodes allowed time for the story to breathe. By the time the love triangle's been resolved, all the characters have been firmly established within an inch of their lives and the stakes are clear. SDFM allows for a variety of points of view and experiences to combine into a believable world. Having said that, I love, love, LOVE DYRL. It's so beautiful to look at! It also adds a lot of elements that were left out of the series. The ancient city scenes are my favourite since it was something new brought to the series. We actually see the devestated, deserted earth which the series didn't show as much of.In DRYL, the horror of it is allowed to sink in. Also, the way ai oboeteimasuka was made central to the plot is one of the things that makes it so focused. It became the anthem of Macross (I remember how shocked I was when Grace had Ranka sing an evil remix of the song in MF). As was pointed out earlier in the thread. If I want to revisit classic macross but don't have the tie for 18 hours of tv, I can watch DYRL in one sitting. But when I have a chance to marathon the original, it's like nothing else.
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